
How hard is it to become a human guinepig?

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If I have cancer or something how hard is it to just go to a laboratory where they are studying treatment and just take my shirt off and say "Have at it"

I should be able to let them do whatever they want to me.

SCIENCE HEADLINE "We cured cancer in labrats"

Well good, just do what you did to the rats to me. lets see what happens

I don't care if I got cured but If I was about to die anyway I would just let them do whatever they wanted.




  1. If you have cancer, often your oncologist will be able to direct you to relevant studies or research centers if he/she feels that it might help or if you are not satisfied with your current treatment.  Most good research takes place in large research institutions.  In my area, most patients go to the Cleveland Clinic as it is only several hours away.

    Your doctor will often fax relevant records to the research specialist so they will be prepared to see you.

    If you are unhappy with your current care, you can always seek a second opinion, but it generally takes less time to be seen if you are referred by your current caregiver.

  2. u would need 2 do research...there r risks for that kind of stuff, and it would be extremly expenisive.

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