
How hard is it to become an equine vet?

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most people that i talk to about becomeing a vet tells me that its harder to become a vet then it is to become a doctor and most people that is going to school for a vet drops out and becomes a doctor!




  1. it is hard. it is more difficult to get into vet school than human medicine and equine medicine is the most competitive specialty.

    don't give up because of that though. you never know until you try.

    i am a Pre-Vet student and i will not drop out and will definitely not pursue human medicine. i really depends on how committed you are.

  2. getting into vet school is very takes extreamly good grades, tons of experience working with animals, and lots of time and effort. it is possible but there are very few vet schools in the country and they are very difficult to get into...most people never get in. And once you get into a vet school the classes are difficult and take all of your time and energy. The schooling is at least 8-10 years after high school But if it is something that you really want and you work really hard you can do it.  

  3. It's HARD!!! I spent 11 years in University and spend about 200,000 dollars for school and about 100,000 for equipment!

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