
How hard is it to become.......?

by  |  earlier

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how hard is it to become a CEO of a company or business? I am looking forward to go into managment and financial business and stuff like that as a major in college and work my way up to be a CEO of some good company, or at least be a manager some how. So please if you are somehow related to business and CEO's stuf like that please answer and tell me how hard it is to become one and what are the responsibilities, and stuff like that.

Also in addition, what kind or level of college do you need to go to for this?




  1. I'm a Rental manager for a real estate company.  I'm 25 with my paralegal degree.  I also have my r.e. license.  I started working at 19 as a commitment typist for an underwriter, then I became a title closer, then I obtained my license and am 2nd in command.  It took me a few years but for huge corporations, it takes quite a while.  The point is that you have to know every which way the company functions otherwise, you won't understand.  The best thing to do is become an intern during college.  When you graduate, you'll start out with a job like an assistant or something.  Learn from them and then venture out on your own.

  2. Becoming a CEO is easy - just start your own company.

    To become the CEO of an existing business (start somewhere close to the bottom and rise to the top), though is MUCH harder. It _can_ be done, but you will need to work very hard, get noticed by the top brass, etc. Becoming a manager is obviously easier, you work hard, take on responsibilities, show that you can inspire people to work hard - and chances are you'll be a manager.

    That said, in the corporate world, most people become CEOs wither by starting their own company (eg: Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, to name a few), or are hired from outside _as_ CEOs - they rarely rise through the ranks in the company they start out with! Just read the business section of your newspaper and see how often the large companies change CEOs - the old one leaves, and a new one, usually from a different company, steps right in.

    What you really should be doing is looking at what you love to do! Not just "being a CEO", but specifically what kind of business gets you excited? Is it high finance, securities trading, Internet computing, software development, clothing, shoes, accessories? That's what you need to start with - doing what you love means you'll work hard and strive to shine!

    In terms of education, many (but not all) CEOs have an MBA these days. But it's certainly NOT a requirement, more of a bonus. :) Book learning is good, but won't replace good insights and a knack for business!

    Good luck,


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