
How hard is it to decide who you are voting for???

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How is it that there are so many undecided voters? The two principal choices(Obama and Mccain) are about as different as it gets. They have been campaigning for well over 18 months now. We know a ton about each candidate. There is not a lot that they share in common. So how is it that people have not yet made up there minds?




  1. not very if you dont waste your time

  2. I was just wondering that myself. How can you not know what you stand for?

  3. Very easy

  4. Cant agree that there are many undecided voters....

    Each statewide survey shows 3 to 6% undecided which is normal..

    Not sure of the point that you are trying to make...  

  5. Not hard for me. I am proudly voting for McCain.  

  6. Apparently, for some, very hard.

    Obama/Biden '08

  7. I made up mind a long time ago!

    Obama/Biden 08

  8. some people love drama.  they want to be the center of attention, have people clamor all over them, like joe lieberman.  they know what they want, they just want to be noticed.

  9. I think most people have already made up their minds. Those that haven't have either avoided learning about the issues up until now or are unsure because of some personal trait about a candidate that they can't seem to get over, be it age, s*x, race, personality type, whatever.

    Many are also waiting for the debates to make up their minds.

    I've been keeping track of this election since the beginning of the year and I have known for a long time.

  10. Yes WE do know a lot.  People that are undecided do not.  Some people are just not into politics and are maybe into watching reality TV or some other mind numbing behavior.  As a result they know nothing or what they would like until it has been fought over circus style for a long time.  

    God Bless America.

  11. We're waiting for the debates, McCain vs. Obama and Palin vs. Biden.  Can't wait.

  12. People are waiting for the last shoe to drop on both principals, then they will make up their minds.   Personally, I will go with history, anyone who says they will raise taxes has NEVER one the presidency.  It's just a fact.

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