
How hard is it to drive a stick shift car?

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I've always driven an automatic and I have a great opportunity on a Mazda but it's manual. There's no time to take lessons and I was wondering how fast I can learn how drive stick shift?

N.B. when I first took driving lessons many, many years ago I started with manual but eventually bought automatic. I still remember the very basics bit I also remember stalling every 2 minutes literally.




  1. Good question, its hard to find the car you want in automatic, i have been looking and LOOKING for an automatic peugeot 206cc in black but just cant seem to find one (not in my price range anyway)

    I guess its all to do with getting used to a manual. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature..

  2. its not hard, once you learn that, you can learn how to drive any car you want. i am only fourteen and i can drive a stick shift. :)

  3. its not hard, its just getting use to the feeling of where the clutch grabs, manual is very easy to drive and you have more control over the car. around town its a pain in the bum changing gears all the time though.

    good luck with it.

    also don't leave your foot on the clutch pedal (after you have changed gears), even a small amount of pressure will stuff the clutch and that won't be cheap.  

  4. It's easy! You said you remember the basics, well every manual transmission is just a little different from others, I mean the time it takes to shift, how hard it is to shift, the time it takes for the clutch to engage the gear youa re shifting into, etc., etc.  BUT if you just go slow and don't try to race the engine you'll have it down in no time! Just go with the flow and the feel of the engine. watch your tachometer and shift around 2800-3500 rpm's and let out your clutch SLOWLY, that way you can get the feel of when it DOES engage so you can start pushing on the gas. You'll be a pro in no time, I tell ya!

  5. Not to worry,  I drove a automatic for more than 20yrs.  Never touch a manual, till one day like you a got a great deal on an Escort.  My daughters all said Mom you can do it.  I  bought it, my one daughter who could drive a manual drove it home.  She said Mom listen and watch me very closely.  For 30 miles I did this.  I had to work the next day, I got in the car and it took some doing but I did it.  Believe me you can do it, just take your time, get to know your car, ask someone to help you.  I been driving a manual now for at least 15 years off and on now.  If a Grandma can learn to drive one, show can you.  You can always learn more if you bought your mind to it.   THE BEST OF LUCK, LET ME KNOW HOW YOU DID.

  6. you would continue stalling every few minutes, but as you get used to it you'll do better and better.  if you know the basics, you can learn the rest through practice.  it's really not that hard.  i've taught learning disabled attention deficit people to drive stick when everyone else thought they couldn't learn...

  7. I find manual transmission a thrill once I started driving one. Trust me, after having my driving licence, I immediately shifted to automatic transmission because I'm really pathetic at shifting gears and balancing in between acceleration and "clutch-feeding", until the day I had no choice but to learn Manual, Automatic and Automatic Manual Transmission or AMT. The reason is because I work in the Automotive line, and as an automotive personnel, you are expected to be able to drive all types of transmissions. Now, I can drive manual transmission, even if it's my customer's car and not my car. I've actually got accidents before when I drove my parents' old manual transmission motorcar before, and now, I'm much a better driver then I was last time.

    Now, if you ask me to commit into a vehicle, I will say only one thing - It has to be a manual transmission, and not a rotten underpowered vehicle.

  8. Just about like  everything else, It's only as hard as you make it.  If you can tap your feet and hold a plastic sack up in front of your face with one hand, and turn a doorknob with your other hand, you can drive a stick.

  9. not hard at all, just have to get used to the clutch pedal and starting off. you're going to keep stalling for at least a weeks or two but i'm sure you'll pick it up.  

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