
How hard is it to drop your child off at daycare?

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I imagine it is really difficult.

I am going to start him inn a day care in September and I am a little worried about the whole situation. He will be 6 months old by then, and I just have a feeling that they aren't going to do as good a job as I would. How did you feel when you first started day care and how do you ease your anxiety?




  1. A friend of mine left her baby at 3 months at the day care. She said that the baby did just fine.. in fact didnt even fall sick. Both her babies were at day care and they have grown up to be social, smart and confident kids. So, even though the baby wont be as loved as he wud be with u .. its ok. He is getting used to the fact that not everyone is mommy and daddy.. and that thats not a bad thing. He will enjoy being with other kids. Also once he is home with u ... he will enjoy the love u give him. So dont worry. You will miss him for the first week ... after that u will be fine ! In fact both u and the baby will do just great !

  2. I am probably not the best person to answer this. I chose to stay home with my kids who are now almost 5 and almost 3. I am just now considering returning to work. If there is any way you can work in a job in the evening, I would look in to that. I could never leave my kids with anyone except family. I would be especially be concerned if it is a home daycare. You have no idea how this person is taking care of your child. Yes, you are right. Only you will take care of him/her the best way possible. But, if this is what you have to do to afford to live, than I understand. My husband and I chose to live with very little while I did this. It was a sacrifice, but worth it. I would wait and see how your baby is doing when you drop them off once they get used to it. If they are happy to be there, then I think they are probably be taken care of. Good Luck!

  3. Let me tell you how hard it is - or not hard it is.

    It is exactly as hard as you let it be.

    For us, it goes something like this.  Drive up to the babysitter's house...get out of the car...walk to the door..."Bye buddy, be good!  Mommy loves you!"...child runs in and starts playing...mommy gets in the car and leaves.

    Don't make it traumatic for them, and it won't be traumatic for you!

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