
How hard is it to find reasonably priced houses for sale in Italy??

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How hard is it to find reasonably priced houses for sale in Italy??




  1. Well, you should first giving a definition of "reasonable" by yur point of view :)

    Anyway, an apartment: living room, kitchen, two bedroom and a bathroom plus at least a parking space (mandatory by law) in a city like Novara (halfway between Milan and Turin) could cost 60-80,000 €uro.

    The most expensive houses for both sale and renting are of course located in down-town of big cities like Milan or Rome.  

  2. The Molise region is very well priced. Not much in the way of tourism but incredible little towns that are very charming.  

  3. Well, houses' prices have increased a lot over the last years.

    It depends on the house you're looking for and the city you are looking for it in.

    A house in a big city costs more than one in the so-called countryside.

    Many Italian families are in troubles when having to buy a house. Most of them rent a flat (whose price, however, isn't that low...) and carry on that way.

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