
How hard is it to find work while in college?

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i'm 16 and a junior in high school right now and i have a job at a grocery store and next year i plan on buying my own car it's going to be a toyota yaris which is around 14k or a toyota prius which is around 21k, i want the prius but i'll still need like $7,000 for it so how hard would it be to get a job while in college, also is it hard to handle with school work? thanks




  1. school should be your full time job. and for a five year loan of 14k, you will be paying at least 250$ a month. you can get a job relativley easily, but it is very, very difficult to balance a full time job and school. school, particularly college, is a full time job. for every hour you spend in class, you should be spending 2-3 hours studying.

  2. Wow why buy a NEW car while in high school/college? Thats too much money to spend just coming from a parttime job. It's gonna take probably more than 2 years to pay it off, depending on your hours and pay.

  3. I had a job about 2 weeks after I went to college and it was quite easy for me to balance both.  While in college I wrote a thesis, became a manager at my job, and had two research projects going simultaneously.  So I may not be typical.

  4. Actually finding a job while in college isn't really too bad;  there are usually a ton of jobs that you can do on campus, and depending on the area where you go to school you might be able to find plenty of places to work off campus as well.

    The difficulty would more likely come from balancing work and school.

    More or less, you can either go to school full time and work part time or go to school part time and work full time.

    Trying to work two full time jobs would cause you a lot of unnecessary stress.  Not only do you have to factor in the hours that you will be working and attending class, you also need to factor in time that you will need to study and do homework projects.

    College students aren't typically the richest people around; if you really have to have a car while you're at school, I would suggest getting a used one to start off with.  It's not high school anymore; nobody cares if you drive an '08 or an 80.

    Think about what's really more important to you:  an education or a nice car.

  5. I don't think a new car is a purchase you should make at this point. It is something you should do after college, when you have a decent paying job.

    Right now, you should buy a used car that you can afford to pay for in cash. Keep in mind that you will be paying for insurance and registration too. When you are in college, you can work but you have to balance it with school. Do you really want to be working more hours than you reasonably should, just so that you don't get your car repo'd?

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