
How hard is it to get 1000/1000 in call of duty 4 for the 360!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i already got all of the achievements, im just wondering how hard it was for everyone else who has done it. took me about a week to compleet veteran on cod4 and about 4 hours of on and off for mile high club. how long did it take yall add XxXR3DV3N0MXxX iff u wanna play

sorry if i sound cocky im just bored and grounded from xbox :{




  1. It didn't take me long cause when I first got the game I didn't have the internet, so all I could play was single player

    Mile High Club took me the longest but I figured out you just have to pick up the P90

    Oh and other dude who said Halo is better is an idiot.  I have halo and it absolutely, positively sucks compared to cod4

    The only way I like to play halo is without shields, unfortunately nobody else plays like this

  2. Um, I have only gotten like 2 achievements for COD4, cuz that game kinda sucks...Do you play Halo 3?

  3. Whoever said COD4 sucks and halo is better is 11, ignore him.

    I have all but mile high club, the one for the Veteran sniper flashbacks (only the second level left) and the one on vet. that includes no fighting in the war room ( the only one left to beat in that group)  

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