
How hard is it to get a job at the post office?

by  |  earlier

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what are the steps i have to take? i know there is a test, how hard is it? and any other info you might have for me




  1. from my experience work in the community services, the criteria will be similiar, how can you deal with people and conflict, do you have the right attitude like friendly with people not easy to get angry. the rest of it if they like your personality they will willing to train you even you have zero skills. you have to make the customers to like your service. good luck

  2. im sure its not that hard

  3. study it on google search it and practice. itl be easy

  4. Go to your local main office post office. Go to their administration building. Ask for an application form or go to the

    government us web site and fill out a form there .

    Below is the link. Good luck.

  5. You have to be very honest !!!

  6. Go to and sign for the test based upon your region of the country and the type of job you want by craft.  There is NO cost to take the test.  If you are a veteran you get extra points.  The test training manual is available at most libraries or your local bookstore.  Do well on the test!  I only got an 80 and it took them two years to get to my name on the list.  You can also get in by volunteering to be a TE (temporary employee) for a year.  After 6 months a TE can take the test from the inside.

  7. extremely hard an it takes 4ever 4 them 2 call ya

  8. Very hard

  9. Not hard at all. The real question is are you willing to work part time, messed up hours, work very very very hard, and hope that they hire you once your contract is up?

  10. not hard, if in fact theyre hiring....

    go to your post office and ask...they 'll have notices on board if they're highering... take a test and then get put on a list, you have to pay for the test as far as i know.

  11. Not easy, I know that much.  You apply at:

    ...then you wait and wait for them NOT to call you.

    Good luck!

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