
How hard is it to get into medical school?

by Guest63784  |  earlier

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I know its extremely my brothers friend had a 3.6 gpa in college and the only med. school he got into was one in the carribbean. I'm only 15 and going to be a sophmore in highschool but I am really interested in pursuing a career in medicine. I would love to be a clinical pathologist or epidemiologist but I'm not sure could ever have the grades. If my grades stay the same through HS then I have a solid 3.0-3.2 GPA. And I heard college only gets harder.sooo can a realist tell I even have a SHOT at pursuing my dream? or should I just give up ?




  1. You always have a shot, but realistically you have to bring up your grades in college.  I'm also trying to get into med school and I know it's really difficult.  You just have to study, study, study and do whatever it takes to raise your grades.  When you think of doing something fun instead of studying for a test or whatever, just remember there's a whole bunch of super smart asians studying all night to get an A (no offense to asians :).  If you don't at least put in close to their amount effort, they will beat you.  Anyway, that's how I try to motivate myself.  But anyway, you have to be really motivated, but it's not impossible.  You might also want to get a book called Planning a Life in Medicine by princeton review.  Good luck!

  2. You do have a shot, although you'll need to work very hard. Improve your grades however possible. If you need a tutor, get one. If work interferes with your homework, leave work. Join clubs and activities. Do community service. All of these things will help you get into a really good college.

       Go to the best college that accepts you with a pre-med program. Keep up the best grades you possibly can get in college, and do as many activities you can do while keeping up your grades.

  3. B    students rarely get into med school, and a school in the Caribbean isn't a real med school's where people go who couldn't get into one in the States...and you don't ever want one of those guys working on you... as one doc said about a colleague......, "There is nothing the matter with Dr.______ that a good medical education wouldn't fix".

    If you want into med school, hon, you bust butt, in hs, in college in pre med.  You get top grades, in chemistry, physics, differential equation, organic chemistry, and all the rest of those......... top grades and top recommendations------- top everything.

  4. DON'T GIVE UP! You definately have a shot!!! If you are passionate about this do anything necessary to achieve it. My advice would be to try and improve your grades as much as possible.. and although college is usually harder... you will most likely be taking classes that you are interested in and not classes that you are forced to take as in highschool. You will have all the prereq course work to take- but from what you say you are interested in.... that shouldn't be a problem. Second thing I would do is volunteer in your local hospitals- this looks great on your resume and will give you great contacts for character reference letters. Get involved in different activities that interest you. Contrary to popular belief... med schools want well rounded individuals more than the 4.0 person who has no social skills. Third, write a personal statement for yourself... such as "I would like to become a clinical pathologist in order to.... blah, blah, blah." You get the picture... make this statement be about what you want to do with your career and how you want to help others. Doesn't have to be long.... just something that describes your passion and zest for this career choice. Post this statement on your mirror and look at it daily... this will help sustain motivation!!!! This statement may change as you grow and learn more about this career and life in general. It will come in handy when filling out applications to medical school! The final bit of advice I have for you is BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN DO IT and you most likely will!

    Best of luck!


  5. It isn't that hard to get into med school if you know what to do..

    First thing to do is not to worry about getting in to med school...Cause you gotta take pre med 1st....Do good in pre med .  Volunteer at hospitals and get your feet wet in the medical field.. Some people will become a nurse first and then go to med school.....It looks good if you are already in a medical profession

    Good luck

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