
How hard is it to get the Green American Express charge card ? Because i want that card but i don't really

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have credit.. I'm 18 years old. And i want to establish credit.




  1. If you don't have credit, AmEx is not the place to start.  Also, why do you want an AmEx?  They charge an annual fee and are not accepted at very many places.  

  2. To establish credit, you should speak to a local bank or credit union about a secured credit card.  You would give them the money to hold and in return they would issue you a credit card (most likely a Mastercard or Visa) with a limit of approximately what you give them to hold as collateral.  You use this card to make purchases and pay off the bill on time every month when you get it.  You will build excellent credit, not go into debt and not pay any interest charges.

    American Express is not a good place to start.  Besides, as mentioned, they are not as universally accepted as Mastercard and Visa.

    Good luck.

  3. Why do you want it or need it?  Is it a "status" thing?  Amex is not the place to "establish credit."

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