
How hard is it to go vegetarian?

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the meat i mostly eat is chicken.

and do eggs count as meat?




  1. Eggs are not meat and most vegetarians eat eggs. Most use dairy products too. You replace meat with: eggs, dairy, beans, peas, nuts, seeds and whole grains. There are a number of fake meat products on the market too, like: tofu, veggie burgers, soy hot dogs, soy sausage, soy chick patties.

  2. Is it hard?  Depends how much you like meat? And how willing you are to live against the way your species is made to eggs count as meat?  Well...they both have a lot of protein..?  One is flesh...the other is not...i am going with a big NO on this one.  Vegans will not eat eggs..vegetarians will.  This is a defining fact supporting the stupidity of vegans, they won't eat an unfertilized chicken egg, because they would rather it rot away and not be consumed.

    Meat is delicious and you can digest it, Chickens and cattle are meant to be eaten, quite possibly some of the stupidest animals on the planet, which would die without our support (Of course this is because we domesticated them, but now they would die)

  3. yeah eggs count and seafood. its not hard at all exept if your this big meat fan then yes it is so it depends

  4. It is kinda hard at first but once you get into it, it's actually hard to go back. No, eggs are okay for vegetarians. Vegans, however, do not eat eggs

  5. I had no trouble at all becoming vegetarian. Then again, I never liked the taste of meat in the first place. Just think about where the meat came from or the reason you decided to go vegetarian in the first place, it'll keep you from eating meat.

    I do not consider eggs as meat, though I think it's a personal decision whether or not you feel it is justified to eat eggs. Just heads up though, vegetarians will not eat meat, but will eat all other byproducts of animals, whereas vegans will not eat anything from an animal, be it meat or byproduct (this includes gelatin..good-bye marshmallows.)

  6. Well, it's not hard if you know why you're doing it.  

    I'm vegan because i realize the tremendous negative impact a meat and dairy based diet has on the entire planet.  More than half of the soy and corn crops grown in the U.S. each year are fed to the livestock we slaughter and kill.  At the same time there are billions of people dying of starvation, not to mention the entire world is facing a food crisis!

    Also, the environmental impact is terribly as well.  The amount of methane produced by the nearly 16 billion cattle raised the world over for meat is more of a contributor to global warming than the massive gas guzzling SUVs everyone drives in the U.S.

    There's a lot at stake and a lot to be concerned with.  Look up online the Pro's and Con's to a meat and dairy based diet.  You'll find that there really aren't many Pro's.


  7. i didn't find it hard at all. Just remember, take it one step at a time. If you think you can't go past a week without eating meat, then only become vegeterian for a week, and after that, keep extending the intervals. Since you want to go to vegeterian, i assume you have strong convictions (and i applaud you for that.) You should definately go to your local grocery store and just shop around and discover stuff you've only glanced at. Your a vegeterian now! A whole window of alternatives are at your fingertips. But that can be pricey too if you buy soy meat. I can survive on beans and rice if i wanted to. It all depends on how much you eat and if your wallet is up for it. This isn't to say that being a veg is pricey, because it isnt, but if you want to eat fake meats, it might become pricey. Just buy alot of vegetables and fruits, you're going to enjoy those. Overall, the transition to vegeterianism/veganism can be hard at times, but it's definately worth it because your helping three things at once : Yourself, The Environment, and The Animals.

    Good luck!

  8. vegetarian means just that.

    since EGGS come from an animal..  

    what  do YOU think?

  9. i went cold turkey, for me it was pretty easy.

    boca has AMAZING chicken patties, that taste just like chicken to me, of course i havnt had any real chicken in a while, but i think it would help you make the switch easier.

    just keep your reasons for going veghead(whatever they are) fresh in your head.

  10. I grew up on meat, and considering none of my family or friends have adjusted to my new vegetarian lifestyle, it is slightly hard. However, the satisfaction I get from knowing that I am doing what I feel is right for myself, our planet and animals, makes it all worth it at the end of the night. One of the biggest mistakes I made when I first went veg. was eating too much junk food. If your mind and heart are in the right place, it shouldn't be too difficult. I think the best way to start is to research it thoroughly, then first cut out red meat, then white meat, then fish. You can eventualy cut out milk and eggs. Cutting out milk has been the most difficult part for me simply because milk is used in so many products. It is something I ma still working on. But like with most things, once you stop eating it for long enough, you stop craving it.

  11. it isnt hard at all...the only thing i found hard about it was going out with my friends and trying to find good food

    i absolutely HATE vegetables and i went off it wasnt that good for me but i stuck with it for 5 months

    but you dont go through withdraws or anything haha

  12. Its not hard at all...and so many resturaunts now days have things for vegitarians...You just need to remember to eat enough protien (beans nuts tofu sietan ext) and not overload on carbs...Eggs are vegitarian as long as there not the fertalized kind...

  13. It is a matter of what you really want and why.

    I am new to total vegetarian diet, though I have a strong background in it, and have never felt good about killing animals, especially mammals for food. Made up my mind that I don't need to be a slave to nice cut up packages of meat from animals that don't need to die.

    Contrary to the idiot who said man is a meat eater, you will find your teeth are grinding teeth, not like carniverous animals with fangs.

    Also, meat rots in the intestines before it is eliminated, and there are many links to a variety of intestinal issues.

    Have you ever had a bit of meat stuck in your teeth for a day or two, and then found it tasted awful?  Well think of that in your body over the years.

    Get some good cookbooks, try Moosewood Cookbook and/or Enchanted Broccoli Forest for starters, both by Mollie Katzen.  Your library has them, and Katzen has recipes on line.  

    Also check out ethnic grocery stores if you like being vegetarian.  Many Indians,Asians are total vegetarians, and their food is spectacular.  And,  don't be afraid to try things you have never seen.  With the money you save you can afford to be very extravagant on a vegetarian diet.

    I eat like a princess, and have great desserts all the time.  My body has slimmed,tightened and my skin is beautiful. Hair and nails better also. I have lost 15 lbs (130 now since April) and have no desire for greasy things.  Just watch overloading on pasta and starch. Stuff yourself on fresh veggies, and fresh seasonal fruits.  It works.

    Eggs....see other comments.


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