
How hard is it to learn Arabic?

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How hard is it? Considering i have no background with it and don't know anyone whoknwos the language. How hard is it to learn andhow would I go about learning it onmy own.




  1. Ask to an arabian.

  2. hi .. i am from kuwait and that means i am arabian : )

    Arabic is not difficult nor easy language ! everything needs little working on .. so if u put ur mind to it u can achieve any thing !!

    but if u need any help  .. i'll be glad to help u !!

    feel free to IM or E-mail me anytime and i'll get back to u in no time : )

  3. Arabic is a very hard language to learn it took me 3 years to perfect it

  4. Learning Arabic is difficult. Arabic has a 28 letter alphabet and you read the letters and words from right to left instead of left to right. Most of the letters have four different forms, depending on whether they stand alone or come at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.In Arabic, as in Hebrew, people don't include most vowels when writing. Maktab, or "office," is just written mktb. Vowels are included as little marks above and below in beginning textbooks, but you soon have to get used to doing without them. Whn y knw th lngg wll ths s nt tht hrd. But when you're struggling with comprehension to begin with, it's pretty formidable.Then there are the sounds those letters represent .. Arabic has one "h" akin to ours, and another that has been described as the sound you would make trying to blow out a candle with air from your throat. That's not to be confused with another sound, the fricative kh familiar to German-speakers as the sound in "Bach." There's also 'ayn, a "voiced pharyngeal fricative," which is like the first sound in the hip-hop "a'ight." Unwritten in Roman-alphabet transliterations, it's actually a consonant that begins many common words and names, including "Arab," "Iraq," and "Arafat." An English-speaking student learning a European language will run across many familiar-looking words, but English-speaking Arabic students are not so lucky. Arabic is a VSO language, which means the verb usually comes before the subject and object. It has a dual number, so nouns and verbs must be learned in singular, dual, and plural. A present-tense verb has 13 forms. There are three noun cases and two genders. Some European languages have just as many forms to keep track of, but in Arabic the idiosyncrasies can be mind-boggling. The US  State Department reckons that it takes 80 to 88 weeks (roughly a year in the classroom full-time and a year in-country) to get to a level 3 on a 5-point scale in Modern Standard Arabic. Good luck if you decide to try and learn Arabic :)

  5. Pretty hard, I would say. Studied for years and I am just getting better at it. Keep trying though. Get the alphabet down first.

  6. It's supposedly the hardest "important" language in the world to learn, followed by Chinese.  

  7. Learning Arabic is not hard as long as it is provided by specialists and in asmooth and advanced way as it is at,they provide online live learning technique ,the most advanced and developed one,where teachers ara native Arabic teachers and available 24/7 to give live lesson through video online classes,its is moe that intersting and moe than one can expect

  8. I'm IBRAHIM EL SHAFEY, Professional Arabic language teacher for non-arabic speakers ONLINE..

    Actually, If you interesting of send me your e-mail and communicat with me..

    Cairo - Egypt


  9. I was actually wondering the same would be an interesting language to learn, for sure.

  10. Yes it is hard.

    Learning any language is hard

    And its even harder when there is no one to speak it with.

    You could get Rosetta Stone or some language program like that.

    The hardest thing is the accents

    I speak Farsi, the Persian language and they have the same alphabet, and the only reason i know how to speak it is because my family is Iranian and we speak it constantly.

    Some of my friends tried to learn it but they found it too hard...

    Good luck tho!

  11. As they say when there is a  will there is a way, and nothing is difficult if you really intend to learn Arabic,especially if you found a smooth and useful way to study Arabic,based on  personal experience i can advise you of ,you will find learnind Arabic so easily since you will have live online video conversations with native Arabic teachers ,who provide these classes 24/7 to make it flexible for students to schedual their program according to suitability.

    best wishes.

  12. nothings hard wit practice my dude. im trying to learn it myself. its not bad. go for it.

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