
How hard is it to make friends at a boarding school in a different country?

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SO, im going to boarding school in England for year 11 there. That means i'm missing the first year there, and half the O-level preparation tests.

SO how hard is it to make friends, or fit in at a new boarding school in a different country.

Because right now, im just kind of nervous first that im going to be WAY behind in the studies and that it will take me a long time to find a good group of friends. Im kind of a shy guy but im just not sure whats going to happen.





  1. It's not too hard. I was fortunate enough to room with a really nice person and we became really good friends within three days. If it ends up that there are a bunch of crummy people in your new school or that it's filled of rich brats (a common boarding school stereotype that can often be true), being by yourself is often better. You'll be calmer and have more time to think about schoolwork.

    Also, I starred your question where you asked if you were going crazy or something along the lines of that, and you're not. I'm the exact same way because I'm ahead of most people my age in terms of schooling and emotional maturity. If you're a lot calmer and smarter than other people, you'll find that you yourself are the only tolerable person to listen to and start making comments in your head. Sometimes I'll comment to the TV when something I don't like comes on.

    BTW, what boarding school are you going to? I might be going to Andover in 11th.

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