
How hard is it to stop on ski blades?

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How hard is it to stop on ski blades?




  1. I wouldn't try ski blades.  They are impossible to carve due to their length.  They are also extremely unstable at speed.

  2. haha...i think the harder thing is not looking like a child on them

  3. Not hard at all, if you know how. You just need to wedge your skiis, so the toes make an angle and dig the insides of your feet into the snow to stop moving. It takes a bit of inner thigh muscle, but it's simple enough.

  4. hockey stop, like your on skates. go hard to both edges on your better turning side. they aren't really meant for fast skiing, more for tricks.

  5. It depends on how fast you are going. Very easy when going slow, a little bit harder as you go faster. But still quicker and easier than skiis.  I found an advertisement for them with a retail by mail order only for $5.95 plus shipping.  They have been around quite awhile, the ad was from the 1950's.

  6. No, dont go for the snow wedge stop, ive tried them and it takes a lot longer than a normal hockey stop.  Both take a lot longer than normal skis, because you have a lot less edge surface area to bite the snow and slow you down, so it can take up to 3 times as far.  Another thing is that your uphill foot chatters a lot, which can get a bit hairy when you try and stop at fast speeds.  But like everything you can get used to it with practice.  Its still pretty close to stopping on normal skis, just takes longer.

  7. Its easier then stopping on normal skis.  Since you have shorter skis, you can move your legs into place quicker.  And to the guy above me, they dont look childesh at all.  Im a ski/snowblade instructor and no one ever says anything about them looking childish.  They are quite fun, and when you see someone zipping down the mountian backwards on just plain looks cool!

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