
How hard is it to wright a program?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea that requires a specific program. It is the modifying of existing hardware/software to make a service based product for the general public. Ideally to integrate with the new generation of smart phone's. I plan to advertise for a programmer for a cut of the idea, I cannot wright a program. Will I have any luck or are soft ware designers few and far between? I would prefer not to contract a company for this. Thanks for any insight.




  1. deploy a group for your projects... you cannot work alone... invite someone, even me to help you..

  2. First, design and programming are two different things. You do the functional design. (That means, lay out how it will work and look at a level that a marketing person could understand and use to sell it.) The programmer will do the technical design and the programming.

    Most programs these days are complex enough to require a team of programmers, Applets can often be done by just one.

    There are plenty of programmers, but experienced ones can be costly. You will need to tell them the scope of your project (make them sign a confidentiality agreement first), then ask for estimates on how long it would take them to do it and how much it would cost. Get several programmers to bid before choosing one. It's not just who charges the least. Someone who charges more per hour might have it done faster, so the totsl number of hours charged might result in a lower total cost.

    Consider bringing the programmer in as a partner. For a real company, you'd need a programmer beyond the one project anyway. A partner would work for a smaller (or no) pay in exchange for a share of the profits - and a say in the company. It doesn't have to be an equal partnership. For example, you could pay some and give a 25% share in the company.

  3. There are freelance software designers that can help you, but they wont come cheap. You need a qualified person who is trained to write programs.  

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