
How hard is professional boxing?

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i wanna join boxing and then try my best to be one of the best!you might laugh on that but i am 15 and i have enough time to train and be a good boxer!i know that there are billions of boxers that can fight but i wanna try to get to the top!i will start boxing in this one place that they fight professionally after i come back from Puerto Rico at April 8,2008!my question is how hard is professional boxing?




  1. I don't see what there is to laugh at.  I suggest you keep the same opinion about anything you decide to try your hand at.  Always aim to be the best, or why even do it?  The only difference between the billions of boxers and the best of the billions is the top guys decided to be the best, natural ability will not get you there, the dedication will.  But it isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination.  If you wanna be the best anything it will be difficult, because tons of guys are always out there "just doing it".  You have to surpass them.  Then there are the guys with natural ability, that are "just doing it" because it comes easy.  You have to surpass them.  Then you have the guys that have natural ability and proper training and the will to be the best.  You have to surpass them.  To be the best you have to accept nothing less than the best from yourself.  You have the time if you are 15.  Perhaps your best will be able to get you where you wanna be, perhaps your best just won't be good enough, either way as long as you give your best there is no shame.  There will be disappointment along the way, there always is, but no shame.

    It won't be easy though, like I said.  How do you feel about being hit.  One difference with boxing is that no matter your skill level being hit, a lot, is unavoidable.

  2. Is this a serious question?????  Dude..If you have to ask how hard boxing is, you should probably look towards baseball or basketball..mabey even golf. But if it is real, heres some advice, you do what you want with it.

    Heres the thing about boxing, theres millions and millions of good fighters around the world, skilled, fast tough guys who go their whole career without making enough money to buy a house.  If you want to compete in prize fighting then your life must be prize fighting.

    Boxing must be your life, you have to understand the sport, give up drugs, drinking, a life. Most successful boxers where loners growing up because they had no time for friendships.

    Forget about boxing training being the most intense, physically grueling, and most skillful training ive ever seen or done. Some people can make a decent living from boxing, but they have to sacrifice mental health, friendships. And if you’re a boxer you have to have one h**l of an understanding girlfriend or wife if you want a relationship.

    So if your willing to give up your entire young life to make an attempt at reaching any top spot in the sport, and your willing to put your health on the line you "Might" make the top 50 in your lifetime.

    Out of the Millions and Millions of boxers around the world, only like 20 or 30 are making millions off their fights. And even fewer are making Millions off one fight. have to figure out what you have in you thats different from all those other Millions and Millions of boxers who have gave up their life only to have their dreams shattered by one punch. Mabey you have it, mabey you dont, thats for you too find out.

    I suggest picking boxing up as a hobby and a way to stay in shape and go from there.

    But I have doughts about you boxing based on your question alone.

    Remember this  "Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision" - Muhammad Ali

  3. If you didn't even start boxing I think your plans are not quite realistic. Pro Boxing is not a joke and one of the hardest businesses you can imagine. You have to think about several things:

    1. Boxing is normally not a threat to your health at the amateur level, but at the pro level you risk your health in every fight. This is not wrestling where everything is staged. Every single punch is real and someone who wants the victory, the fame and the big money usually hits quite hard... as hard as he can.

    2. If you want to get one of the best, you have to do nothing but training. As a result you risk your education and so you risk getting a job that you can pay your bills with. You always have to rememder: There is much money in boxing... but not for everyone. If your dream fails you'll fall deep.

    My advice for you is to start learning boxing. If you do well in the amateur class you can think about getting a pro. But get yourself some education. You can box up to an age of maybe 40 years, but you can use education a lifetime. Live your dream but do not sacrifice your future for it.

    Best of luck.

  4. I am really glad that we have another boxing nut I think its great. I call you a nut because it takes a special kind of person to do this & you have to be a little nuts to want to not only agree to get your butt kicked several time but to go in there and kick someone's else's butt for no other reason then for the sport of it.

    Let me give you a little known fact here:

    Only 20% of all amateurs turn pro & only 2% of these pro's have any success. That means 98% of all the fighters around the world fail at it? Thats gives you an idea of how hard it is. This doesn't mean you can't try it! Look get into a good amateur program stay in it for at least a good 4 years and try to get as many fights as an amateur as possible.

    Then ask this question again, but I think you may have a better idea at what you would be getting yourself into. Now you must remember that everything you did as an amateur will be only about 1/3 of what you will be  doing as a pro.

    A successful pro should work at his craft 6 days a week & at least twice a day. This is only the beginning, you have to have lots of discipline just to maintain your weight? it is very hard but remember it isn't just a sport its a way of life 100%. Good luck to you & keep me posted on all your success & failures because you will experience both.

  5. boxing is not easy and its no joke...

    get a few amateur bouts and see how you like it..

    im pretty sure that after you have a couple amateur bouts you will change your mind about being a professional boxer..

  6. HARD..!!! dude you have no idea what you are getting yourself in2...!!!

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