
How hard is snowboarding?

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i used to ski and now i want to learn how to snowboard can someone please give me the basics and what to expect? i also skateboard would that help me?




  1. its kinda challenging because you need strong legs or youll ware out

    the first couple of times you try it it will be hard but way easyer than skiing

  2. i would try it.  itl be easier cuz u have been in the snow before. skateing helps. itl be tough at first but if ur determined ull be jibbin in no time. expect to be tired aft the first day and be patient. i would recommend takin lessons. i teach some at my mountain; and the instructors kno what theyre doin. good luck!!

  3. Take a quick hour or morning lesson at your local hill and they'll show you the basics and since you're already comfortable with sliding around on snow you should be going in no time.

    Oh, and when you fall fall up the hill, it's farther the other way :)

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