
How hard is transferring from homeschool to public school?

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I want to go to public school for my last year, how hard is it to get in? Can they make me repeat a grade? I really don't want to repeat a grade but I really don't want to continue with homeschool. Is there some sort of test you have to take? Are they really biased against homeschoolers? I'm kinda freaking out. please help.




  1. You mean for your senior/grade 12 year?

    It's impossible to tell you. Some schools are fine at looking at what you've done, accepting it for credits and possibly giving you some assessments to determine your math and language abilities. Other public schools won't recognize your work at all. They can not only make you repeat a grade, but make you redo your whole high school grades if you did them all through homeschooling.

    You really need to call the high schools in question. If it doesn't look like it will be possible to get your credits recognized, then continue homeschooling, but in a different way. If you are using a particular program, switch programs. If you don't want a program, try coming up with your own program. Homeschooling can practically be anything you want it to be.

  2. They may make you take a few tests to prove that you're working at a 12th grade level.  It's not that they are biased; it's that they don't want to give you a degree if you haven't passed the requirements.  If you're not up to a 12th grade level, then yes, chances are good you'll have some catching up to do.

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