
How hard/stressful is it to relocate to another state when you have another job there?

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Hello! My husband and I both work on the same government contract. The funding for it is winding down; we probably have until end of year 2009 but it's a good idea to start looking now. I'd really like to consider moving - either to the Orlando, Florida area, or Boulder, Colorado. Our company has a lot of nice opportunities there, but my husband thinks it would be too stressful. I doubt there will come another time where we're both looking for new jobs, so the main stress is relocating and selling/buying old/new houses. Our oldest is starting 1st grade, and I think now would be an easier time on her and her little sister rather than waiting until they're older.

We've lived in the same area all of our lives, and I'd like the chance to live in some new areas and experience either the mountains or the sun.

It would be most welcome if you could share your experiences (both good and bad) on relocating.

Thanks, in advance, for your time.




  1. My ex-husband was in the army for 6 years so you can guess that every 3 years it was "moving time."  Actually, I looked forward to the next place to move.  The move can be a hassle but the excitement of being in a new place/new environment over-rode the actual move.

  2. I've had to move alot growing up with my dad in the military, so I know the stresses of it all! I think Boulder is a great town to live in to be near the mountains and outdoors. Besides the snow, the weather is great most of the year. It is expensive to live there, but it is possibly the best time to buy ever, however selling where you live may or may not be a problem. Outskirts of Boulder are very nice also. CU is there, so that provides a lively atmosphere. Schools there are great and considered some of the best in the state and region. There is a planitarium there, and there is plenty more to do in nearby Denver for kids!  

  3. relocating can be a adventure or a real pain depending on the attitude that you bring to the project

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