
How hard to get a job in thailand as backpacker?

by  |  earlier

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at beach bar, or a hostel. do most places require a work permit? how hard is it to obtain one for a canadian?

thank you!




  1. As others have already said, no chance in h**l of getting a job as a backpacker, whatever that is.  People come here to backpack.  Don't really understand what the job is your looking for.

  2. If you are caught working in Thailand without a work permit you can be deported promptly. Volunteers are not even allowed unless through some government approved agency.  Native English speakers can usually find work and the police will often overlook when they lack a permit.  

  3. ditto above - why would they hire a canadian or anyone from the Western World to do a job for $4 a day when they can have a thai person do the same job and speak the language as well??

    my advice would be to work a little longer in your country where you will get paid far far more, and then come here and enjoy - -  

  4. I seriously doubt it, but if you ask any of the potential employee for jobs, don't care much about the pay, you might get one without work permit. No harm in asking.

  5. No job without a workpermit which is very difficult or costly to obtain. On top you need to be a resident. In your case I see no chance,sorry.

  6. I just checked the newspaper want ads... there are no backpacker wanted ads.

  7. No jobs. Being a native English Speaker you may get some teaching stuff though. Getting a work permit is hard.

  8. The easiest way to get a job would be as a dive master, that is still a bit dodgy and you have to be a proper dive master. It is better not to work as live to your budget, as a backpacker. If your really tight with your budget you to Oz for a few weeks.

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