
How hard will 12th grade be?

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Compared to the other grades in high school? I'm in 12th grade this year coming up, and I just want to know if I'm going to be stressed out more than the other grades. My classes are basically just a cake walk, but now with looking for college starting, I just don't know what to expect. Actually, the only class I'm worried about is Sr. Literature, but since I'm good in the reading area, I shouldn't be? I was post college level in english and reading by the 7th grade, so I just don't know. What kind of things do senior lit. classes read? Plays, like Romeo and Juliet were 9th grade. :/

Just if anyone has experience with 12th grade, tell me what you know :)




  1. I heard 10th and 11th grade you have to try your hardest and 12th grade you just sit back and chill cuz youve already establised a good GPA (So we hope)

  2. i literally did nothing senior yr and i took 3 AP classes. u will prolly read hamlet or macbeth i think

  3. not any harder than 9th, 10th, or 11th

  4. 11th grade is the hardest year. trust me!!!

  5. 12th grade was nice for me.  I had 2 study halls & classes were more electives I really didn't need.

  6. hardest part about the 12th grade is picking out your ring

  7. My Senior in English we read books like Brave New World an Animal Farm. It wasn't that difficult. Senior year was the greatest experience that I have had. You're going to have a lot of fun. Also if you plan on applying to college, apply early. The earlier, the better. You have a better chance to get accepted. Another word of advice. If any scholarship opportunity comes along, take it. You can never write too many essays or fill out too many forms for the sake of an economically sound life after college! Best of luck to you!

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