
How hard would it be for an american teen to learn Arabic?

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I work with people who speak also speak Arabic and I really want to learn the language but I hear it is a veryyy hard language to learn. I also have a job offer for a middle eastern restaraunt and I know it would be much easier for me if I knew more of the language.

And what is the best way I can learn it?




  1. dont let ppl who tell u arabic is very hard actually make u believe it is.any language can have its,if u study it and practice,its not that hard,if u dont,it is.

  2. You Aren't Need To Learn Full Arabic Just Learn Some Useful Things That Help You In Your Gob

    Se These Site :

  3. I'm a teen also learning Arabic. It's definitely harder than Spanish or French b/c the letters are completely different, but once you learn the letters well, it will be fairly easy since you spell words exactly the way you would say them in Arabic. Every letter is specific in its sound so that there is only one way to spell a certain word.

    For example, in English you can spell "color" or "colour"

    or "favorite" can be "favourite"

    or "Katherine" can also be "Catherine"

    But you don't get that in Arabic, there is only one way to spell a word

    Of course to learn it, you'll need a class, online course, and/or books to help you learn.

    One of the best ways to learn a language is to listen to the language be spoken on a daily basis. So if you have someone speak to you in Arabic, you will pick it up faster. They don't need to speak the language completely, they can just add in a few new Arabic words everyday so they can help you adjust to it

  4. I don't know Arabic and so I'm not really qualified to answer either of your questions - I just wanted to commend you! So many people these days expect everyone to learn English for them, and don't even consider learning the languages of others. I think it shows a great deal of respect to learn another language like that, and defeats the impression many people have of our two countries (I am from England): that we are all ignorant, impolite Philistines with no interest in cultures besides our own.

    Good luck in Arabic - perhaps you could look for an evening class or tutor in your area to help you, or look on the Internet and in libraries for self-teaching materials.

  5. arabic is very difficult. It will be like trying to learn three or four languages at once. You may learn to speak some words, but the same words have different meanings depending on the octave of how low or high you pronounced them. Just like english:  ( right-write-rite). Well, not quite, but I hope you know what I mean.  High pitch low pitch, same word different meaning. Better to learn when very young.  Good luck

  6. arabian writing is much easier than english, no arab would imagine a spelling contest, we write words as we say them. but classical arab grammar is very complicated like algebra, but you can ignore it in every day speaking. arabic has some letters don't exist in all other languages, and it needs practice just to say them

  7. NOT HARD!

  8. Hi


    Arabic language will be much easier for you if you learn it..

    I'm Ibrahim El Shafey

    I've learned Arabic and Islamic Sciences: (philosophy - history - language - rhetoric - ... etc.)

    Also, I learned a little in other sciences: (human development - NLP - communication skils - direct marketing - ... etc.)

    Now: I am prepare my master in the grammer of the Arabic language (El Nahw)

    I'm now:

    Arabic language teacher online

    Adviser to the Arabic language in the


    Lecturer in the direct marketing company

    You will learn "the basic book in Arabic language" with other programmes..

    I am working on the programme prepared by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and siences- Tunisia


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