
How hard would it be for me to get into college?

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ive been doing music since i was 3.

blahblahblah i know if i work myself i will do good blahblahlbah

i dont care about my music skills because i already know it.

but what im wondering is.

i had this drug thing at school

it was this one timer.

and i got suspended..

and ive been clean since and taking honor classes

trying to graduate early so i can go to college a year early.

and really just focusing on college now (im a sophmore now)

and i was wondering...

would that drug thing get in my way of college?

i really hope not because it was really a first time thing and a huge mistake

and i really really want to get into college and i was wondering

if they will automatically reject me?

anyone who might be a college professor or administrater PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

im thinking about auditioning for curtis, julliard, mannis (shootin fer the stars) peabody,





  2. It all depends on your grades and scores. If you are a total geniuse they wont. You cant get anything lower than a C. so good luck.

  3. No, i know this girl that got suspended almost more then 50 times ( not even exaggerating ) and she got into Penn State.  

  4. you will probably be alright... for a private school, it would be more of a problem...

  5. they realize that we make mistakes and grow because of them, so no, it shouldn't, simply because of the progress made since that time. hope you reach your dreams

  6. once you turn 18, your records clean, so nothing to worry about :)

  7. Once you turn 18 everything is washed clean off your record... so.. nope. It shouldn't get in the way of you getting into a college.

    Good luck!

  8. If no police were involved, it should not be a problem.  I'm glad you've stayed sober so you can follow your dreams.  You should Manhattan School of Music and Berklee to your list (maybe Eastman?) if you are going for good conservatories.  

  9. Take out the 'blahblah's when talking for starters, that doesn't help in college essays. You don't need to be a professor or director (and, by the way, I highly doubt they're on Yahoo answers anyway) to tell you that no it's not going to get you rejected just based on that one time. The schools you mentioned have a 90% rejection rate on average, so good luck.

  10. The honor classes are going to help, but if you really want to show colleges that you have changed, you should start volunteering at the hospital or a humane society. Pack in some major hours and keep up with Ap classes( scoring mostly 4's and 5's). Get to know your teachers  better so at the end of your senior year they can write recommendation letters.

    Best of luck,


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