
How hard would it be???

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im wanting to learn to read and write punjabi..

im 16 and can speak it fluently no problems there its just that ive never learnt how to read or write it so im wanting to do it..

how hard would it be also how long would it take??





  1. If you can fluently speak it..its very very easy to learn to read and write punjabi..go to site teaches very good punjabi

    ..otherwise theres many punjabi classes at sikh gurdwaras and even some high schools!

  2. Shouldn't be too hard.

    How long did it take you to read and write in English?

    Like one year, right?

    1st grade?  

  3. everybody is differant at the rate they learn and i am sure you are a very bright and clever person but if you carnt read or right how come you wrote this out on a keyboard

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