
How hard would it be to stay up for 37 hours?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah.. I've already been up for 19 and I'm looking to put in another 18. I'm feeling pretty close to semi-tired, but I MUST stay awake(for various reasons).

So, how hard would this be to accomplish? and could I please get some tips that might make this stretch easier for/on me.




  1. I have been up above 25 hours.

    You must not be hungry,thirsty and sleepy.

    be active and wash your face every 30 min


  2. Hey, I'm participating in a stay-away marathon too, though not entirely on purpose.  Gotta love, what I'm doing is drinking coffee.  If you dislike coffee try Vivarin or NoDoz caffeine tablets or energy drinks.  Everything in moderation of course and read the ingredients / nutrition facts.  And it shouildn't be hard to accomlish.  Good luck.

  3. First of all why have you got to do this? but to answer the question I have managed over 24 hours with very little rest when I was much younger and used to go out to rock clubs on saturday night.  I would start my getting up at 4.30.a.m. going to work as a postman in the U.K. then getting home at about 9.30.a.m. and having breakfast and then I would get ready to go to a football match at about 12.p.m. mid-day and come home at about 6.30p.m. have some tea and then get ready to go out for the evening to the pub until usually 3.a.m. and then go home to a friends for some tea and sandwich which then was around 5.a.m. when I got home.  I was quite tired but anymore is possible.

    Tips would be to not drink too much beer and take some fresh air as much as you can do not stay in a hot temperature.  Keep yourself occupied watching tv or reading I usually find also I can stay on the computer longer surfing the net  

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