
How harmful are electromagnetic waves?

by Guest33924  |  earlier

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how harmful are cellphones, microwaves, etc ?





  1. I have some way out interests, one of which is paranormal investigation.  We use EMF meters to locate entities in active sites.  Some people are very sensative to EMF, and get that 'creepy' feeling from them often associated with cold spots and presences of spirit.  

    We also use EMF meters to locate rogue electric signals that may eminate from power boxes and old lighting as it will interfer with our investigations.  Many building have rouge EMF.  I feel that while it may not cause permanent brain damage, it CAN definitly negatively effect moods, create tension and irritability in humans.   This may partially explain why violence is rampent in congested cities (where EMF is all over).  

    It may also explain why we feel so good being outside (away from the EMF pollution).  

    You can get EMF meters fairly cheaply if you want to test the amount in your home or office.

  2. go on the source. anything to the left of visable light is harmful

  3. depends on the intensity. We are pounded by EM waves from TV, radio, satelite, powerlines, etc all day every day, no effect.  Just don't get to close to the transmitter. LIke the cell phone pressed to your head, can't get any closer than that can you?

  4. They generally aren't harmful. Only at very high intensities (like right in front of a major radar antenna) are they harmful, where they cause cataracts and can potentially lead to sterility.

    The levels associated with cell phones aren't going to cause cancer, though you can get an RF burn if you touch the antenna for a long period of time.

    RF and microwave radiation is not ionizing, so it doe not have the mutagenic/carcinogenic property of uv, x-rays, and gamma EM radiation. That being said, there is no reason to expose yourself needlessly to any form of EM radiation if you don't have to, but it is not something to worry about.

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