
How has America become so ignorant as to accept, nay demand RFID chips?

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People are actually demanding chips be implanted into their children to 'protect and locate' them.





  1. I am awake!!! I do not want our citizens chipped! I want all felons, illegal aliens when caught, and known terrorists and their sympathizers. People who have proved they will not live within our societies norms need to be tracked.

  2. thanks.

    Is called trust.Not a hunk of metal in my body.

  3. Yet another prophecy being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Now, I want to know, where, oh where, are the naysayers who call God dead, and say we have our heads in the clouds? Where are you now? Why, you are in line no less! In line like a cow, hand outstreched getting ready to be....micro-chipped! All, the while, babbling about how the Bible is a myth and His laws and prophecies obsolete! People! Wake Up,! This is not a re-hearsal, this is the end of all human freedom as we know it. Do you realize that by taking a micro-chip, you become a CONDUIT between a satellite and a GPS locater. A machine! With this chip, whoever controls it, controls YOU. what you think, HOW you think, whether or not you decide. It also causes cancer, due to the lithium inside the chip. It leaks out in to you, like silicone implants. Don't take this chip, ever.

  4. I don't believe it is for safety, its for control!  The government is following the prophecy of the Bible, the chip is a form of the mark of the beast with a twist.  It is deceitful and misleading.

  5. If you look at History it shows pretty clearly that many people before us have chosen Oppression in the name of Safety,Security or Prosperity. Anyone who doesn't see that coming is blind. Like the push the UN embarked upon decades ago to outlaw the Civilian Ownership of Firearms in every Society on Earth. That was a part of this as well,after all you cannot completely control a population as long as that society has any means by which they can resist. So they said "Give up the guns and we eliminate crimes" Of course it didn't really work,S. Africans gave up their guns and their murder rate skyroketed. But since crime reduction was never the purpose,no govt on Earth cares if crime actually goes down,just as long as the purpose of disarmament is achieved.

    This is just another part of the same scheme. Look at govt's across the Globe putting a surveillance camera in every corner of the Country,like in Britain where you can't even scratch your butt without it being on camera. But it's for "public safety" so they just accept it like sheep. But then here comes RFID,where with the right system in place you could keep track of every person on Earth,every step they take from the moment they wake until they go to bed you could track them and know where they are within a few feet. But of course it's easier if the first step is to tell them,"we can use it to protect your Children"

    We are moving towards a society so oppressive and with such an overbearing govt,that it will make the current Chinese Govt look tame by comparison. And the worst part is many are welcoming it with open arms.


  6. We know who you are and we now have a permanent record of your question.

  7. People are so quick to give up their freedom for the promise that the government will take care of them. It starts in our schools where the children are taught that the government has the answer to all our problems.Why do people look at our politicians as though they are the smartest people God ever created when in fact most of them are dumber than a box of rocks and yet we put our future in their hands and look the other way.

  8. mmmmmmm chips.

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