
How has Canada influenced global business activity in the United Nations?

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The United Nations and Canada




  1. About 75-80% of Canadian exports go to the US. Unfortunately due to the drop in the US dollar against the CA dollar, these goods will cost more for us. Anything the USa EXPORTS to CA, the cheaper it will be for them. I just returned from Vancover, BC and some art students told me

    "your american money is no good here." Our currency is worth more than yours. A salvation army store refused american dollars saying that it would cost them to exchange it. It is a small country of honest hardworking citizens.  Due to this currency problem (for us), it is possible that they will have more money to spend on global issues.

    It is also possible that we will buy less of their products, resulting in a downturn in some of their industries. Right now about  our currency is about at par which is equal for their money.  they are more liberal than us and embrace immigrants and recruit them for training programs. Many Vietnam war protesters went there in the 60's and 70's to avoid the american draft. They are basically neutral in political activity and war like Switzerland, so they will not have a lot of political issues such as militarization. It was dificult to enter the country due to stepped up security. I was detained for about 3.5 hours and went through a lot of senseless questioning about guns, money and why I was going to CA. I will not return. I do not believe they will be a major global player due to their small attitude toward people entering the country.  They have great inventors and funny comedians but they all end up in the usa. herfe is an interesting fact :Alexander Graham Bell was a British subject but in 1915, he characterized his status as: "I am not one of those hyphenated Americans who claim allegiance to two countries." Despite this declaration, Bell has been claimed as a "native son" by Canada. They are a good people with an antiquated socialist government with a high cost of living.

  2. Canada doesn't influence anything.

    They are followers not leaders.

  3. I would approach this from a World Bank perspective, since the World Bank is a separate agency of the UN.  

    Try this page:

    You might want to also browse around the United Nations Association of Canada to see what economic-themed projects they're into lately:

    And if that's a bust, you can try the Wikipedia article on Canada and the UN:

    Good luck!

  4. Canada has not much influence in the United Nations unlike the US that tremendously used it as a pawn in invading other countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.

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