
How has Community Service affected your life?

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I'm just curious to know how different Community Service you have done has affected your life and is important to your sense of self.




  1. I would not know what to do if I were not involved in volunteering in my community. All of my volunteer efforts go to youth serving organizations and none of them have money to hire staff which makes our time more valuable.

    I have learned that children have alot to say and deserve to be listened to and taken seriously, it has affected how I raise and interact with my own children and those in my family.

    I have learned that in many families children are disposable and not many adults are willing to take a stand for them. We are the ones with the ability to vote and make choices that will affect their futures but instead get wrapped up in nonsense that will not matter tomorrow when electing officials.

    I have learned quite a bit from my volunteer work and can get on a huge soap box about it.

    If you are talking court ordered cs that is a different story but I can speak about that too having worked with court ordered youth and seen the unfairness from the "justice system." There are few meaningful court ordered cs programs available to youth, scooping dog p**p at the dog shelter... give me a break.... and the hours handed out along with the other requirements are often more than any person can possibly do.

  2. It has made a positive impact on my life.  I gained self esteem and confidence in myself.  Knowing that you Can help someone that you don't know and impact their lives in a positive manner makes a wonderful heartwarming experience.  I have learned so much from the experience, it opened my eyes to the plight of others.

  3. Community Service has definitely changed my life. I started in high school as a requirement to graduate. In college I continued, majoring in Social Science with a specialization in Public & Community Service (PCS) and joined a fraternity dedicated to service, Alpha Phi Omega. I became involved with a family of children and have been dedicating a major part of my life by mentoring them as a big brother/father figure. We spend holidays and vaction together. I've recently taken one of them in and I am a guardian. Needless to say, it has been a huge adjustment but one that I'm glad I have made. Give life to the fullest and enjoy it to the maximum.

  4. I have to do 40 hours for high school graduation, and I have to say, biggest waste of time in my life. I hate it. hasn't changed me in any way, it just makes me hate the community and the school.

  5. Some of the greatest people you will ever meet do community service & volunteer work!  I've done volunteer work for over 20 yrs & have made So many great friends!  The rewards are endless!

  6. I have been a life-long volunteer. It started as a required assignment in high school. I've worked with mental patients, the Red Cross, new immigrants, ESL students, City Park flower gardens, mentoring teens and at hospitals and thrift stores.

    It has made me feel better about myself knowing I can help others. The good experiences outnumbered the bad and were wonderful and heart warming. Others were awful. You've heard the saying, "No good deed goes unpunished." Well, that's how I felt with the bad experiences.

    But I can't really generalize because each volunteer job was

    different and most were good. It is important to my sense of self and has greatly added to my life's experiences.

  7. If you want to be a good, fun-loving, funny person...  you need to surround yourself with those types of people.  Most of the volunteer work (most through the branches of Kiwanis) that I did showed me what love really is.  I met so many fun and caring people.  It's easier to sleep at night when you know that there are people out there who truly love on another and fight for a better earth.  It's also great knowing that my work and time are being used to help someone who is truly having a tough time in life.  I've also been helped by a charity, the Ronald McDonald houses.  It's such a help when you're poor like myself, but there is something set up for people who can't afford a hotel when they have loved ones in the hospital.  I'm glad to know that my spare change at McDonald's is helping charities like these!

  8. If you mean court-mandated CS, I've never had that. But in terms of simple volunteerism, I help out at the local animal shelter on a regular basis and it makes me feel WONDERFUL!

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