
How has Football changed over the years with money ??

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I'm not old enough to speak about the football back in the 80s so I'll leave it to the oldies here :) lol

Going some years back like 2001, 2002 and 2003, things were much different in football. Those days £7-10 million signings made a big difference to a team than the 'way' it is today. Some teams spend £20-35 million on a player, and hope he bring success to the club. Example - Man Utd,Chelsea, Spurs, etc

I've been an Arsenal fan from the early 2000, and I remember how Wenger spent on players. £5-6 million signings made a huge difference and we were very dominant around those years. Not a lot of money was spent, or needed for us to win the title even with Chelsea getting Roman and Utd spending big as usual. Now its different.....and in a different 'level'.

I guess I shared my opinion about this with you. Waiting to hear yours..

Any answers ?

Thanks :D




  1. Money has increased the gap between the top few and the rest - which leads to less interesting competitions.  So while we might have the opportunity to see better players than before, the chances are the superstars will all be in one of the teams.

    I remember when John Barnes was on £8k a week at Liverpool, and it was, at the time, seen as obscene - but he was probably the best player in England at the time.  Nowadays, we have players who don't care about the game, just their bank balance (see Berbatov for an example) - and cry if they don't get their way.

    Money is killing the game (for the fans)

  2. the pressure to succeed is greater its win at all costs managers players supporters dont care how the team wins as long as they do there are only a handful of clubs that still set out to entertain and win spurs , utd , west ham and arsenal the cheating was probably started by revies leeds but the main change is that very few players have a love for the club they play for  

  3. more people became interested so there was a rush to cash in and more and more people are attracted to the money  

  4. inglesi siete dei coglioni bastardi merdosi vaffanculo inglesi di merda  

  5. You made a valid point about the affect of big money signings but players attitudes have changed a great deal too.

    I don't remember anyone (correct me if i'm wrong) in the eighties not happy with their club cos of the wages. Players seemed to play for the love of football.

    Somewhere it seems to have gone horribly all wrong!

  6. At the end of the 1980's, Bryan Robson was the highest paid player in the English top flight. Manchester United paid him around eight grand a week. With Robinho's deal at Manchester City, we will now (20 years later) see a player earn one hundred and sixty thousand pounds a week AFTER TAX.

    So to answer your question, Yes, it's gone bananas!!

  7. the teams u mentioned buy their tropies

  8. Inflation?

    honesty i blame clubs like Real Madrid because look at Juventus FC when were the richest club we never overspent on players but Real wanted to keep wining so they bought players for high prices and paid them huge salaries examples remember they have the 4 most expensive players in the world at 1 point i think it was Zidane, Beckham, and 2 other names not sure

    anyways and they were successful for a spell so everyone then started thinking spend money to buy big names no longer was it about getting a talented youngster and breeding him to stardom and i think that is the mistake that will destroy football because now if you don't buy good stars to win now you risk losing money by being out of the CL or relegated or whatever so you have to now spend loads to make the big bucks

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