
How has France influenced Australian cuisine?

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eg foods eaten and food presentation techniques




  1. that's interesting!

    I'm french, and I've worked in the hotel industry for 10 years in the 90's, so I can tell you that presentation has began changing something like 20 years ago, for something more elaborate with a "movement", if I may use this term, named "Nouvelle cuisine" (New cuisine): there were a new type of restaurants where chefs would mix ingredients in a very modern and new way, using a lot of sweet & salty together, reintroducing old forgotten vegetables, making up new sauces, etc.... Presentation itself began to be important. Then, a new generation of inventive chefs began to bring in new ideas in the traditional cuisine and things slowly shifted to what they are now.

    As a matter of fact, the term New Cuisine does not exist anymore (as far as I know anyway).

  2. Living in Sydney Australia, and have seen quite a shift to the influences of French cuisine.

    Modern Australian cuisine is what most of the top restaurants offer here now, which the techniques are heavily french cuisine orientated, and degaustation menus are are a real hit!

    Presentation wise, we mimic the french with quality presentation, however it is only recently that so much fois gras, caviar, and truffles that have been influencing our foods.

    If you need more information, have look at an example of a menu of a top restaurant here which i have provided below

  3. why would France influence Australia?

  4. I am Australian and I live in France, I go back home frequently, personally I don't think french cuisine has much influenced on  Australian cuisine, Australian cuisine has strong influence from the large immigrants that makes up the Australian population, and there aren't many french living in Australia.

    One time in Margaret river we ordered a French lemon cake for dessert, my husband though it was nothing like the real thing.

    He still does...

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