
How has God changed you/your life?

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  1. Let me wife suffer from breast cancer, that's how

  2. Jesus saved me from death even though I was a hateful Atheist. I in fact was on my way to h**l and I knew it.  He had mercy on me for some reason. I am so thankful for it.  I am a completely different person now. I actually like me now. He has changed everything in my life. For the good. Thank you Lord.

  3. Not believing in an imaginary being has given me a clear conscience.

  4. Absolutely! God has blessed my life in many ways. He gives me serenity, courage, and wisdom. All I have to do is ask Him in my prayers and have faith that He gives them to me. I am a recovering alcoholic an God relieves me of the desire to drink one day at a time through prayer and meditation. I maintain a conscience contact with God praying for His will and the power to carry that out. Today I help others every chance I get without expecting anything in return.

  5. well u see I was basically raised in church, and became a Christian and a young age.  when I was like 6 or 7 the church started to teach me about the rapture and they taught it in a way that actually scared me.  when I was 8 or 9 I had a dream that I was left behind and have been scared of that my whole life since then but just recently I went on a retreat with my church and God broke that chain that was holding me back from doing his work.  he changed my life this summer and the way I act when people start talking about the rapture or anything like the end of the earth and I praise God for it...Amazing Grace is all I gotta say!  

  6. The idea made me realize just how F***** as a human race we really are.

  7. I became the great seeker.

  8. he has made me more compassionate to those in need. he gives me patience w/ those who drive me crazy!

  9. I have had my eyes opened by being led away from my Christianity. Had I never believed in the first place, I may never have learned a lot of things about science and the human condition.

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