
How has Hillary Clinton been treated badly?

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I keep hearing on the news and political events that Hillary Clinton and her supporters want Barack Obama and his campaign to apologize to her for the way she was treated, but no one says exactly how she was mistreated.




  1. yes, and I do not know if Bill ever apologized to her

  2. She was beaten in a tough race. She was treated the same as the other candidates in the race and  she didn't treat her opposition any better.  She seems to accept that but a lot of her supporters feel that she should be apologized to I guess because she is a woman and she wasn't treated like a lady in the  primaries or something like that, though being able to stand up to your own merits is what feminism is all about - not getting the chivalrous treatment because you are female.

    She was not owed even the VP nod. This is politics not a social club.

  3. Hillary has many qualities but she just never had the right stuff to keep a man interested. Lot of women are that way. She is very good at other things.

    Tonight, however, she must put her own knee pads on and get down for Obama. Got a $20 million campaign debt and it is time to whatever is necessary.

  4. Well if anything Clinton was the one doing the negative campaigning...but I'm guessing she's going to sue Obama for making her cry. :-)

  5. Treated is not the term. It's more like manipulated, Since the first

    Fraudulent caucas in Iowa, to the last one held. Obama and his

    merry band of arm twisters ruled the caucas.

    Howard Dean and George Soros sat down before the Primary even

    started and charted out a course for the anointed one to follow.

    And He did as he was told. Soro's Owns Obamas soul. Lock, stock

    and barrel. He has provided the money. the ground troops, and

    the Airplanes to fly this Man around the country. He has set up

    the legal money laundering machine that has scammed the FEC.

    Clinton did not even know she had lost before she started, The

    Manipulation of Fl and Mich, Is proof of that. Should the votes from

    those two states been allowed to be counted during the primary.,

    Hillary would be standing taking the nomination thursday night and

    not Hussein. This was the ace in the hole the DNC kept close to

    the vest to ensure Obama the success to win the nomination.

    To continue down the line of con tricks. Tonights roll call..

    Total scam on the America voters. Only two states are going

    to be called upon. then automatically they will stop. Why the

    floor chairman is afraid Hillary would gain steam and run Obama

    over on the roll call.

    So she was forced to capitulate and bow down at the feet of the

    anointed one., So for all intensive purposes 18 million real primary

    votes have just been flushed, You don't count. And were never

    intended to count. So that is why when she gives her appeasment

    speech. She will remind the country just how weak this woman

    really was. They say her deal in 2012. is good. She is finished in Politics,

    She will be known as a Al Gore type loser. A John Kerry type


  6. Politics is politics. Senator Clinton did not win the nomination.

  7. Consensus is with that group [puma] Political Unity My A-[hiney]

    there will be no unity until he respects what she and her many, many, many supporters have done to get the Democratic party to where it is

    today, the disrespect is the outright lying to the entire nation by saying that she Hilary was on his short list, heck, golly she would be on anyone short list.....LIE..LIE...He never had any intention of having her anyone near him.. he wants her like he wants the Clap...and that goes both ways..Hill&Bill not happy campers at the turn of events, the 2nd. slap in the face that her supporters feel she was disrespected by not even getting a courtesy phone call from him when he was mulling around with his choices,,,,smart thing the man could have done

    but since he is incapable of thinking on his feet..he should have been the genius i am...gone against conventional wisdom, and allowed her to take to the airwaves and  Announce that the next president of the US. has given me the prividgledge of presenting to you his Choice for V.P. Sen. J. Biden......can u imagine how  mobilized her supporters would have been to follow her Lead, and wholeheartedly give there support to Obama...its all about pomp and ceremony, had he just played a little smarter whats going on, wouldn't be going on, in the end


  8. The only thing I can think of is that he didn't make her the VP nominee, which is stupid because they argued about this at the start of the primaries and both decided that a ticket with both their names on it would be a losing one that they would never run.  There should be no apology because both agreed to it, in fact I'm sure Hillary didn't even want it.

  9. Her husband cheated on her with a fat chick.  That was treating her pretty badly.

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