
How has Man evolved?

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How has Man evolved?




  1. if you believe in god it hasnt

  2. Slowly but surely! Like most complex life forms.

    If you must witness evolution on a few days basis...use a microscope.

    I recommend Zeiss Optics.

  3. All life evolves, but one might question if a mutation is desirable or undesirable evolution.  I have repeatably asked creationists for some evidence to support their stance on creation & must conclude they have absolutely none. Therefore I ignore their ignorant rants on evolution.

    Your question is a broad one, so I will have to pick some specifics backed up by both fossil & DNA evidence. Recent fossils indicte that bipedal apes lived in Africa 6 million years ago (considerably pushing back the time when some quadra pedal Apes became bipedal.)  We've found many fossiles of these bipedal apes (call them ape men if you like) but their brains were too small & no evidence of tool use was found, so we did not give them the prefix "Homo."

    About 2.3 million years ago one of the many lines of bipedal apes evolved into Homo hablis (still very small of brain.)  Homo hablis (handy man) was given the prefix homo because it is thought he made crude tools (some suspect he used fire & others suspect he simply took advantage of it when it appeared.)  Most of the bipedal apes had become extinct evolutionary dead ends by this time but one line evolved into Homo hablis. Some debate continues on which one, but I will leave that for you to decide.

    About 2 million yrs ago Homo hablis evolved into a larger brained Homo that we called Homo erectus (upright man) for some unknown reason (hablis also walked fully upright.) Homo erectus not only used fire, he made fire & much better tools.  In addition later more evolved erectus indicate a slowly growing brain that was about 3/4 the size of the Homo sapien brain (putting them at the low end of the sapien norm.) About 1.2 million yrs ago Homo erectus migrated out of Africa to Europe & Asia.  We 'think' some homo erectus in Europe evolved to become Homo neandertal (a species with a brain 10 to 20% larger than the sapien brain.) Homo erectus in Asia continued to evolve & the last fossils of the full sized erectus is dated at ~30,000 yrs old.

    About 250,000 yrs ago homo erectus in Africa evolved into homo sapien & they began to migrate to Europe & Asia (Asia 1st) about 100,000 yrs ago.  Many debate wheather they replaced Neandertal & Erectus or interbred with them to pass genes back & forth among the 3 types of Homo.

    I just gave you a brief outline & left out many details.

  4. there is no proof at all that  man has evolved, in fact it appears to be quite the reverse, accounting for mutations, man is getting worse, not better. everything tends toward disorder(chaos) not order. I believe that we were created in the image and likeness of God, according to Genesis. more, according to the bible there is plenty of evidence that is willingly ignored by scofffers to indicate this position. look carefully at dna, how complex, letters, sentences, a language convention no less. the odds of even one amino acid forming is astronomical by chance. the information contained in dna is NOT a property of the substance that it forms, therefore it is a language convention, and if a language convention, it must have a designer. oh, they will tell you of the experiment were they "created" an amino acid in the lab, but what they dont tell you is that they cant seperate the left-hand and right hand, see this article:

    Nobody has a time machine. How you interpret data is decided by your World View. We have exactly the same evidence that you have, except we always come to a differant conclusion. do the math, evolution as you regard it is impossible. your formula for how we arrived here today is energy + mass + time = life, the creationist view is that energy + mass + time + Information = life. how do you account for the fact that all chemical processess are reversable, that for every action there is a complete and opposite reaction. for evolution to work, the last statement would have to be false.
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