
How has McDonald's changed your life?

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I want to hear all testimonials!




  1. not sure, i think they have the wi-fi internet.

  2. it made me gain weight. fast food fat creeps on you before you realize it's happening.

  3. Its changed my life heaps. Not from eating the food but ever since I got a job there.

    I've gained more confidence, met great new people, been able to work a cashier, serve customers and learn alot about hospitality service which is something I'm considering to do in later life.

    With the food on the other hand, I think its just great ♥

  4. when i was 11 , and allowed to take public transprt to school, my friends and i would secretly go to macdoanlds every day for lunch. everyday. we loved the food, and in the 90s, we didnt know of the health effects it would have. as a results, i became obese and all thru my teen years, i had to suffer humiliation in school, at home (my parents and siblings would tease me constantly), and out of home. i never had a boyfriend until my early 20s, tihs was after i had lost a lot of weight. Mac's basically ruined my childhood and teen yrs. it's good food but it's runied my entire life.

  5. It was how my wife and I met.   We were at a McDonalds in Colorado, and starting talking over our lunch.  We ended up sitting together and the rest was history.  We have been together for almost 12 years now.  We occasionally still have McDonalds, but far less than when we first met.

  6. I now sit and crave them when I'm hungover. Sometimes to the point where my housemate and I just go and get one.

  7. By being an Olympic sponsor they cause me drive an extra mile from home to eat at Burger King.

  8. Well McDonald has no effect on making you not hungry you know its not really good for your health!It has no diffrents!If you eat lots you always want to eat more and more i think you like it?that's why you have asked thins question am i write or wrong!It makes you put on weight that's not really good this is my idea!I know it tastes good but its not good!thank you!

  9. Mcdonalds has changed my life because it has made me gain much weight, and waste a lot of money. I wish there was no Mcdonalds so I would be able to lose weight and save money...

  10. It gave me a happy childhood.

    And McDonald's only makes you fat if you do not make the right choices. Obviously.

  11. made me FAT i tried to stop eating it but i guess the grease is addictive to where people will come back .........i love there fries....sometimes....there food isn't allways the best but i hate them for the addictiveness of their food

  12. it's probably shortened a few lives. you know. heart disease and whatnot.

    for me personally, my defining moment was reaching the bottom of a box of fries and discovering a renegade onion ring. it changed everything for me. i really saw the light after that.

  13. for me, it gave me hope that mcd is da best. The iced coffee is delicious and less expensive than starbucks. so it saved me money. Mcd is for occasional cravings and you have to be carefull what your puting in your mouth. portion control is key. theres alot of alternatives in the menu

  14. well ive gained alot of weight because of it

  15. ewww it's changed everyones life it makes people fat

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