
How has No Child Left Behind impacted education?

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How has No Child Left Behind impacted education?




  1. I agree with the other person, I consider myself smart and lately the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education) has been cut down. Normally the smart kids would be separated from the slackers and they become smarter for america. But now money is being wasted on kids who don't pay attention or are a lost cause. America will go down the drain making tons of "average" smart people and few high level thinkers.

  2. I totally agree with the first 7 responders!  They're right on target.

    Also, consider the perspective of the classroom teacher, (who has not had the training that an EC teacher has), having to implement accommodations for these Inclusion students.

    They would likely need accommodations, written into the IEP, for any of these: Extended Time, Write on Test Booklet Test in Separate Room, Read Aloud, Modified Assignments, Preferential Seating, Computer/Typewriter/Word Processor/, Demonstration Teaching, Study Guides, Multiple Test Sessions, One Test UItem Per Page, etc.

    If any of these items above are marked on the IEP & signed by every member of the IEP Team, & legally documented, the regular class teacher has the legal obligation to implement such items marked on a rountine (i.e. at least weekly), or the law has been violated. Therefore, a lawsuit would result.

    It is my opinion that, unless they can keep up with the other students, (with a Teacher Assistant's support) these students would be better served in a more restrictive envionment.

    Another brilliant IDEA (pun intended!), there, dubya........... whose real philisophy is Leave No Child A Dime!  That statement was from my brilliant, younger son!

  3. I think the whole concept of ALL children will be on grade level by 2014 is not only comical but impossible to achieve.  Your regular ed students should be able to achieve this if they aren't already.  Who is being hurt here is the Special Ed and ESL students.  

    I work with a precious 7th grader who is diagnosed as mentally retarded.  However, he has such great "street smarts" that many don't realize he is MR.  They just think he has some learning disabilities that can be "fixed."  This child will never do academic work on his grade level.  Can he be taught to read, write, and do a bit more than basic math?  Yes!  Can he be taught lifeskills so he can be productive in the work force one day?  Yes!  

    I have several students who fall into this same situation.  I don't feel it helps them to go to Science or World History and get a letter grade.  It is good to expose them to the subjects and allow them to do some of the work so they feel a part of the class.  But they should get Pass or Fail grades depending on their participation, turning in what little work is given to them, and possibly behavior.  This score should not affect the schools AYP or the NCLB criteria.  

    Just my thoughts.......

  4. Some students are exclude dfrom this requirement-specail needs students will havet heir IEP specify if they must meet the NCLB standards or will be assessed through an individual profiel called an APA to determine individual improvement.  generally students who are sognitively impaired will be given teh APA assessment.  Schools need to be careful not to overuse it-and test most special needs students using standard NCLB testing.

    Despite the accommodation for seveer needs students-it is still unrealistic and focuses too much on pure academics-not general knowledge which is what people need to be successful.

  5. It has led to more standardized education. That's the only positive.

    It has made teachers upset and frustrated, children upset and frustrated, and led to the loss of spontaneity, creativity, and special subjects (music, art, PE, library, science and social studies) in the elementary grades, in some locations.

  6. How can a child with a 70 IQ possibly perform like a child with a 120 IQ???  The whole concept of No Child Left Behind is absolutely ridiculous.  Who benefits from this?  Not the child.

  7. It has created more paperwork for teachers and required standards that cannot possibly be met.  A child with a 50 IQ will be "left behind" and I'd like to see George Bush teach that child on grade level if he thinks otherwise.

    -S (special ed. teacher)

  8. It holds back the smarter kids and frustrates them into not paying as much attention as they normally would.  They're SICK of going over the same thing fifty times because someone wasn't paying attention when the teacher explained it.

    It's a dumb idea.

    Any kid who doesn't pay attention deserves to be held back a grade.

  9. "No Child Left Behind" is a full-frontal assault on public education.  Teachers being what teachers are will attempt the impossible (ALL children will score at or above grade level in reading, writing, and math by 2014), and when they fail the authors of NCLB will scream at the top of their lungs that public schools are a failure and they need to be handed over to the private sector.

    In the meantime, NCLB has narrowed curriculum, created a culture in which the "test" is the end all and be all.  The children currently in public schools are being short-changed by a system that assumes that social Darwinism will improve public schools.  The only thing that will survive if NCLB isn't eliminated is the privatization of public schools.  This will guarantee that the United States, instead of being the land of opportunity, will be the land of economic apartheid.

  10. I'm not in a gifted talented program, but maybe I should be! I don't get the chance to find out cuz all of the time and money is wasted on the kids that are too dumb to care about anything, like their future beyond s*x on the weekend followed by drugs and more dates! thats how it happens at my school! and it SUCKS!

  11. Teachers and schools are being punished b/c parents don't instill values in their kids.

    Kids who are jerks bring down the whole school. (The ones who don't try at all) Gangbangers etc etc.

    Teachers are leaving the profession.

    Others who would be teachers have said a big F U  to the idea of teaching.

    It's a big pile of c**p.

    Also ,the first 7 posters have it covered.

  12. Children are dumb and getting dumber because parents blame everyone but their child's effort for their failing. Until parents start holding their children accountable it will continue to get worse.

    Our current system is a failure. If a ten year old can pass 12th grade, then let them dammit. We need a system that will allow kids to progress at their own level and not keep our few bright and motivated kids with the short bus children.

  13. Teachers are stressed out about doing well on the assessment.  Our scores go up every year.  What goes up eventually comes down and that is going to be horrible.  My district hires people to come in and work with us to help boost scores.  

    Everything you read is always about the teachers.  Teachers are not teaching well enought blah, blah, blah.  That is not the issue.  The students that I have, that are failing are failing because they don't care.  You talk to their parents and they don't care.  You have kids with such issues in their personal lives school doesn't matter.  You will always have these students and they will never be up to standards.  It is unrealistic to think that testing them every year will improve anything.

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