
How has australia helped china in the past? in your opinion can this build a relationship?

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  1. I can only recall how Australia is helping China now:

    Australia export raw materials to China, not to other countries, for China construction projects as well as military needs.

    Australia certainly built a special relationship with China. China says Australia is "more like a friend than enemy", and allow more Chinese students to go to Australia (mainland Chinese need government permission to leave China). Australia economy depends heavily on tuition fees aiming international students. Corrupted Chinese officials also bring billions of dollars of cash into Australia. In return, Australia Prime Minister developed a very close relationship with the Chinese authorities, and choose not to follow USA's every step in against the last largest Communism.

    In the future, as communism grow richer and more powerful, the communists will find it much easier to destroy all democratic countries - communism natural enemies. These countries include USA, UK, Canada, Australia, all former communist countries in east Europe, some countries in Europe, Asian and America.

    A few years ago, two Chinese Generals said in an inner meeting that they were planning using nuclear weapon to destroy half USA by giving up half China, and using bioweapon to eliminate the population in USA, Canada and Australia first, then move the Chinese mainlanders to those land, as the Chinese population need lands.

    Australia is helping China on all these matters, without even realizing what it is doing.

  2. During WWII Australia helped defend China from the Japanese.

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