
How has culture influenced personality development?

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I need to write a 5 page essay on this for anthropology. If i dont do good on this, I won't graduate college, and pretty much ruin my entire life. Please Help!!!




  1. Depending on the culture in which an individual is born it will affect they way they regard themselves and those around them. Culture affects how you act to the natural innate feelings that all humans have.

  2. Hi ... did you ask your professor which literature he expects you to use for this?

    If not ... maybe it´s a good idea to do that, or if you can´t reach him, to ask some of his other students about which specific literature he recommends.

    Other than that ... do some research on "Cultural Psychology", "Cognitive Anthropology" and "Cultural Historical Psychology", maybe also on "Piagetian Cross Cultural Psychology" - maybe starting with wikipedia, then at your local anthropology library.

    Maybe this will help you get started:

    Kitayama, Shinobu, & Cohen, Dov (2007). Handbook of Cultural Psychology. Guilford.

    Good luck!

  3. Culture is a part of the environmental influence on personality.

    Google " behavioral genetics " for the actual, devoid of ideology and psychobabble, information on this.

  4. what about comparisons with cultures of generations/centuries gone past (pigeon post, flags, morse code) and how they evolved/changed slowly until advent of e-mail,mobiles,internet and satelite communications where everything now (including culture in its broadest sense) is speeded up and more immediate. talk about changes to our language increasing need for fast communications.

    also expand on oppressed communities/countries where media  is controlled and info therefore culture is much slower.

    there has to be 10 pages there at least.LOL

    BEGS THE QUESTION well informed more intelligent or just smart/dumb/happy in the corner,

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