
How has feminism "liberated" men?

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Capone, A lot of feminists claim men have been "liberated." So I wanted to know from them, how?




  1. No fault divorce. We have no need to be men because we can use women and lose them once they start to nag to much. That God for the Bolsheviks. Without those crazy commies, the modern liberals and their feminist pals would have never had the idea of no fault divorce.

  2. It has made it so we can go dutch or choose to be the one who stays at home raising the kids.  That's what I'm doing.  

    Answer mine...

  3. Well, men don't have to fit the ultra-masculine stereotype, just like women don't have to fit the ultra-feminine stereotype.

  4. Quiet the opposite..

    Feminists fight for sexist laws and acts that limits and have negative effect on men's rights.   Women on the other hand, are given special perks, advantages and "legs up" over men

  5. I grew up in a family lead by strong women and a strong man.  

    Feminism (at least 'first wave') was a natural fit for me because I lived in a family environment where people were not just treated as equals, but were equals.  

    I am not sure I needed feminism to be 'liberated' from idiotic essentialisms, but it has certainly helped me identify and eradicate them from my life.  

    As far as tangible rights go, I think some of of my fellow answerers should reconsider what they define as a "right" before attempting to answer this question.  Rights are really pretty few and far between, and I prefer not to make assumptions about them.  

    Otherwise, I, as usual, agree with Lotus about 110%

  6. Feminism has "liberated" a few men from grammar, logic, common sense--and their balls.  Those "men" are now called "males" (or Sensitive Guys).  But most men still live happily in a state of mental clarity, and fully intact.  Let's hope that "bondage" continues...  

  7. Women have now held men less accountable to how they treat them. Since feminism has been hi-jacked by bull dykes, the object of feminism has been to brainwash women into believing that they should be the same as men. Anything that has been labeled as traditionally or naturally feminine is now a negative thing.

    Now we have silly women who think it's demeaning if a man holds a door open for them or pays for dates. Ask all of those women how they like raising children all by themselves and complaining how they cannot find a suitable mate.

  8. It hasn't, feminism doesn't give a rats *** about men, only women. Feminism takes away rights men should have as human beings at the expense of the man and the advantage of the woman.

  9. Men were more liberated than women before feminism so the difference in liberation is not as great for men as it is for women. Men had rights that women did not have, voting, owning property, etc. None of these rights were compromised by the fact that women had them. Men also have generally (at least in America) had their choice of occupations. There were, and are, of course, class limitations and influences, but suffice it to say that men had a far broader range of career and educational opportunities than did women.

    The major ways that feminism has benefited and seeks to benefit men is more esoteric. The concrete examples are that men can increasingly choose to take a more active role in parenthood without derision. Fathers are able to express greater nurturing for their children, in the open, than in the past. Men are also not universally expected to be the sole bread winner. This gives men the choice to pursue careers that provide more personal satisfaction and allow more time with family.

    s*x is more easily obtained with a greater range of females and options are available (though not nearly enough in the hands of men) to deal with unwanted pregnancy. The second wave of feminism coincided with a sexual revolution that provided both women and men with greater options to decide for themselves, with less religious or societal pressure, how they want to conduct themselves sexually. Of course, men were always allowed and expected to be sexually indiscriminate, while women were not, so of course females experience a greater degree of liberation than males.

    While domestic violence laws are unevenly enforced (I witnessed a couple fighting in the street and they were both hitting each other, but the women did more damage -- when the police arrived they looked at his bloodied nose and because she looked fine, they told them to go -- I was like "Hey, she was hitting him!" and the cop told me to mind my own business) those laws do, IN THEORY, provide protection for people regardless of s*x. We should work to even out the application of these laws.

    I do recognize that feminism calls into question many things that men felt was a right: being "the head of the household," dinner at 5 pm, wives who provided s*x without condition, unquestioned access to prostitutes bodies, silence around rape and domestic violence, unlimited control of the family's finances, infrequent divorce due to stigma and lack of options for females, unquestioned militarized masculinity...

    Certainly the process of recognizing the agency of females and legally/culturally/politically supporting female self determination has been difficult for men, since many of the male privileges bestowed by cultures believing male superiority divinely ordained depended on the suppression of female power and options. It would certainly feel like a loss. Indeed, it is a loss, but it is a loss of power that was never legitimate in the first place.

    For those males who still wish to have an indentured servant, even a slave, luckily there are plenty of third world females who will marry you for citizenship and allow you to control her in ways you feel you deserve. You don't even need that much money. I hear a slave-wife can be purchased for between 5,000 and 10,000 and she probably won't leave you or tell on you for beating her since she is completely isolated in a foreign country in which she does not know her rights.

    Is this the "power" some men need to feel "liberated"? It would appear so.

  10. It hasn't in truth; many men who are going through custody battles, have had the cops called on them for "supposedly" beating their significant other, the rumored three tiered law in Wisconsin, and the various things created by VA WA tells you such a thing is not true.

    Now a word about property; a woman was allowed to own property; however, in days of old once she got married it went into her husband's hands.  Margaret Brent was the first woman in Maryland to ever own property. Because of it she knew that she had to make a decision, she did and she kept it; she never married...  A smart move in her case and according to the customs of her time.  Many women did marry, many married husbands who were just; others were not so luck; most likely to Margaret it was like playing Russian Roulette; anyways, she wasn't too keen on the idea.

  11. It hasn't. Feminism has liberated women. If anything, feminism has restricted some of our rights.

    We need to end feminism because it's now an old idea and start something along the lines of equalism, where both genders have equal rights and respect each other.

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