
How has globa; climate changed over time?

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How has globa; climate changed over time?




  1. Global Warming or the new buzzword "Climate Change" has been a continuing process for millions of years!

    Now we have people who can make millions of dollars off of Climate Change hysteria which blames human beings for these naturally occurring changes!

    Nothing is forever including the Earth remaining constant and unchanging!  

    The biggest change is that now we have human beings who can document events as they actually happen.

  2. It gets dark. Then it gets light. Then it gets cold. Then it gets warm.

    Then there is the wind. It blows hard. Then it blows soft.

    Throw in a tornado. A hurricane. A volcano. The odd asteroid strike.

    And there you have it: a completely unpredictable and variable climate. Nothing has changed climate wise for millenia.

  3. In the past 2,000 years there have been two warm periods an one period that was cold enough to be known as the "Little Ice Age".

    The Roman Warming Period took place approximately 2,000 years ago and contributed to the rise of the Roman Republic because of the wealth that was created by improved harvests.  The second warming period, the Medieval Warming, started around 900AD and once again saw improved crop yields that helped bring about the Renaissance.  The climate had warmed to the point where the glaciers had receded from the coasts of Greenland and there was extensive farming taking place there.  Agricultural productivity in Iceland at that time was so good that the Icelandic Free State was the freest and most prosperous country in Europe.  Cooling temperatures towards the end of that period led to the abandonment of Greenland and to social breakdown in Iceland.

    Starting around 1500, temperatures had dropped to the point where there was mass starvation in Europe, which was one of the reasons that many Europeans left the continent to colonize the Americas and Africa.  This "Little Ice Age" lasted until approximately 1850 and temperatures have been rising since then.

    These climate conditions have a tremendous effect on the human condition.  Generally speaking, warmer climates are more conducive to human survival.

    Warmer climates:  Higher food production, moderate weather.

    Colder climates:  Famine, disease, severe storms.

  4. Former CBS News correspondent Bernie Goldberg says the liberal mainstream media is largely ignoring the voices of scientists and academics who are skeptical of the notion that global warming is caused by human activity.

  5. It's hot, then it's cold, then it gets hot again, then it cools off again....been happening for millions of years.

  6. The earth has been alternating from hot to cool and back again(with a trend towards cooling) since long before humans have been on this planet. Most global warming advocates will only show you temperature trends from the last few thousand years and claim that's proof of global warming. The earth has actually been cooling rather steadily for at least the last 70 million years(start of the Cenozoic). The earth is as cool as it's ever been. Scientists know this through the study of core samples of ice and Planktic/Bethnic Foraminifera.

    Info on Planktic/Bethnic Foraminifera. Look at applications section

    Chart showing the Temp drop since the Cenozoic. Notice the dramatic rise in temp at 15 million years. I wonder if the apes were driving SUVs around?

    A chart showing the last 700,000 years. Notice that we are about at the peak of a warming trend. Also notice that the Earth has been this warm and even warmer in the past.

    So yes in the short term the earth is warming but we have very little if anything to do with it. In the long term scope of things we're as cool today as we've ever been.

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