
How has global warming affected the world.?

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how has affected the weather, animals, and humans how kids grow up on this condition.




  1. by the melting of the glaciers is causing huge amounts of evaporation and the winds move the rain clouds over land causing heavy rain storms. which cause floods, mud slides and sink holes. and in some areas lack of rain. causes dry plant life and wildfires and lack of water. like 3 states last year were on water rations. rivers drying up and large disasters forming, like hurricanes== normal size are between 3 and 5 miles across are now the size of the state of Texas the largest state in th union. tornadoes quodruppled in size and speed and more everywhere. double earthquakes. i live on a small mountain, but high enough to be above earthquakes, but I keep water in a puddle in front so I can see when and how often the trimmers are each day. used to be trimmers about 5 per year, now its about 5 per day. no wind, no rain and the water moves this means their are trimmers below in the area and lately what ever kinds of dirt is down below. last week the water turned to a grey-blue color, this week its a rusty orange from the trimmers below. oceans are rising over all our continents every second and it could be turned around, but no one wants to do anything. all the whales are dieing due to lack of finding food that has more room to hide. about 30 to 50 whales die each year. but that can be stopped, it just takes people willing to help and alot of money. ALL it takes are people willing to get groups together and money to start turning everything around. our government only talks, but knows nothing about this so they're old and do nothing except talk. if you young wanted to start by getting groups together for a summer project and see if your communities and industry will fund you, i'd be more than happy to help you, geewhizes is a start @ if your serously interested. HAVE A NICE DAY.  ==providing its not to far away.  MIKE

  2. Any answer on this is speculation.

    We know that the earth has heated and cooled many times through out history.  The earth is a living thing, it is going to expand and contract, heat and cool, dry out and moisten.

    Recorded history has only been @100 years.  So for all of these experts to claim that a 100 year snapshot of something that has been around for tens of thousands of years is accurate, is foolish.

    Based upon all of this BS about carbon gases and stuff, I guess we really know what killed the dinosaurs.   They were driving their cars to much and burning petroleum based products.  I guess they should have used ethanol.

  3. sea level is rising for the first time in recorded history

    already islands in Fiji, Alaska and Indonesia have had to be evacuated

    the CO2 level in the atmosphere has doubled in the last 150 years probably causing the huge increase in Asthma and other lung problems see in the last 2 to 3 decades

  4. it's changed things dramatically here in alberta - every year is like a drought, there is no longer any real cold or snow in winter, the cost of hay has skyrocketed, old  diseases which couldnt live in our climate are rampant, and kids never get a snow day anymore!

    really, it affects everyone differently, from the animals forced to flee wildfires to the global warming skeptic complaining about the increased cost of bread.

  5. the amount of things we use from cars, central heating,tv,toasters, etc the amount of heat produced by all our devices must be heating up the earth..never mind the carbon..

    but anyway were doomed...

  6. global warming like its sister global cooling come and go in cycles we cannot stop it and we cannot start it.

  7. it is warmer

  8. i managed to sunbathe in scotland today ;P

  9. It hasn't.  Even the most ardent believes will say that temperatures only increased just a scant 0.5 degrees over the last 100 years.

    This isn't enough to make nature notice.

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