
How has ibs consaption and what do you do and what do you eat i have it bad and am in bad pain at the moment?

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i just cant cope any more please dont tell me go doctors or live with it




  1. I have had Ibs for 30 years and I know the pain can be excruciating.You have to watch what you eat have plenty of fruit and veg dont eat much junk.Go see your GP and get Mebeverine known as Colofac this will reduce the spasms in your bowl and you need to get some Fibogel it is a natural fibre drink that will regulate your bowels.You should not eat white bread either and eat plenty of fibre not neccessarily bran as they now think that it is not so beneficial.Good Luck

  2. drink plenty orange juice

  3. There are many new medications out there to help you.  Number one you need metamucil or some other fibre in your diet to help regulate you.  Yogurt is another great way to gain control of your type of IBS.  As for the pain your doctor can prescribe stomach relaxers to help with that as well.  If you are in the UK Ibuscapin I believe it is called is over the counter at many chemists.  In the States there are also good products.  Sadly I am the opposite of you with IBS.  Everything I eat runs through me faster then a speeding bullet.  Salad and raw fruits and veggies are a nightmare.  I cannot take fibre or yogurt or the pain can be intense from that running through me.  I understand the pain.  I have a wonderful GP here in England that knows what it is like and has me on prescription pain meds for my tummy.  Back when I was in the states I have had doctor after doctor run tests on me to insure I did not have Crohns which is a life threatening disease with symptoms similar to IBS.  I highly suggest you making an appointment and seeing your doctor.  

    Good luck x*x

  4. sorry not sure.

    in general, keeping yourself healthy by eating loads of green and regular exercise, i prefer yoga and stuffs

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