
How has john locke impact on the american revolution???

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how has john locke impact on the american revolution?

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  1. The declaration of independence was basically a rewording of many of his idea

    that is the only important thing

  2. As others have noted, Locke had a deep influence on the Declaration of Independence.  The famous phrase, "Life liberty, and the pursuit of  happiness" was adopted from Locke's own phrase, "life, liberty, and property".  (The meaning of 'prperty' when Locke wrote was broader than the narrow modern meaning of economic assets.)

    Locke's ideas also influenced the Constitution.  The Founders' ideas on religious freedom were deeply influenced by Locke's classic "Essay on Toleration".  And Locke's ideas on the separation of powers influenced the decision to structure the American government around checks and balances between the different branches.

    In general, Locke certainly had a greater role in shaping American political philosophy than any other thinker except the Founding Fathers themselves.

  3. Many of his ideas were incorporated into the Declaration of Independence.

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