
How has migration played a role in india's history?

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How has migration played a role in india's history?




  1. wow i totally know the answre to this question as i interviewed my 78 yr old dad on this veyr subject

    indians  travelled to live in kenya and uganda. and the middle east in the early part of the century

    when partition happned many peopel like my dad had to move from what was east pakistan (now Bangladesh) and move into  hindu india into west bengal.

    other pople oved from what is now pakistan into india and vise versa. millions wre killed in this process. my father tells stories if him as a 15 year old standing in rice fields then submerging himself for hours to hide from attackers who passed him over to attack and kill another group of people trying to escape. milllions moved after partition,

    it created pockets like today that now affect the stability of teh country.

    kashmir... west bengal, the eastern provinces.

    migration happens but with it must come acceptance of democracy.

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