
How has philosophy changed since it was first started?

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How has philosophy changed since it was first started?




  1. good grief, study the history of philosophy.  it fills volumes.

    wait, you ask how?  Through thought, dialogue and writing.  That's how.

  2. Well in Western culture 'Philosophy' (literally the love of wisdom) originally meant the study of all subject areas but now academia has been chopped up into many many different disciplines leaving 'Philosophy' (in the academic sense) in a tight box.  

    Nowadays the formal subject 'Philosophy' is more or less constrained to ethics, metaphysics, epistomology and logic when originally it meant studying everything.

    (to me however, the endeavor of philosophy is just thinking about stuff and so that hasn't really changed much)

  3. utterly

  4. It hasnt.  Its still the search for truth and knowledge.  Reasoned ideals.  Thought experimentation. Philosophy is hardly different than science or theism themselves.

  5. you better go reading a philosophy history book! Come on! How come you ask such a thing!?

    in a few words: every thing, except Time and Space, changes. Philosophy is a thing, created by humans by the way.

    Philosophy as a thing changes as time passes by, in Europe firstly and after in the Americas....

    How this changes happened? That's what I told ya: get a history of philosophy book... hehe no offense at all, ok?

    , you know,

  6. Questions have been poised throughout time. From the first breath, the soul, questions what to behold...of this world full of color and wonder.

  7. philosophy isn't a thing that would change with time!

    it is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, truth, justice, beauty, validity, mind and language. (has always been and will always be)

  8. Philosophy hasn't changed. The questions and answers have changed but philosophy itself is still the same now as it was seventy millenniums ago.

    It is the wisdom of men. It is the wisdom of women. It is the wisdom of the human race.

    Although millions of men and women gather to it's basic tenants and follow through in the teachings of the human race, I myself find it wanting. I refer myself to God's wisdom more than philosophy, however I do not discount philosophy as I have learned a great deal with the subject. But, I simply find the wisdom of God greater than the wisdom of men and women that's all.

  9. Philosophy follows.  Philosopher's, no matter how promising their works are, tend to be ignored, ridiculed or worse; much worse.  Only when the words of a philosopher become profitable are they accepted into society, and that particular philosopher achieves the recognition that should be bestowed upon all great thinkers.  Even today, we still ridicule many of history's greatest thinkers.  While others, of far less ability, achieve the state generated status of gods.  So, philosophy simply follows the journey of society; tinkering.  Small contributions, which will increase the wealth of the wealthy greatly, achieve global recognition.  Massive planet improving philosophical works are completely ignored.  They aren't even printed for people to see!  So, philosophy follows; follows society, because to do anything else is to not exist.

  10. It was once thought to be useful.

  11. The only really big change came after Galileo challenged the Church on the cosmology of Aristotle. Metaphysics and Physics began to separate, and now Physics has its own Cosmologists who pay little heed to traditional metaphysics, and not much more to traditional epistemology.

    But aside from that :

    "There is only one fundamental issue in philosophy: the cognitive efficacy of man’s mind. The conflict of Aristotle versus Plato is the conflict of reason versus mysticism. It was Plato who formulated most of philosophy’s basic questions—and doubts. It was Aristotle who laid the foundation for most of the answers. Thereafter, the record of their duel is the record of man’s long struggle to deny and surrender or to uphold and assert the validity of his particular mode of consciousness.

    "Throughout history the influence of Aristotle’s philosophy (particularly of his epistemology) has led in the direction of individual freedom, of man’s liberation from the power of the state . . . Aristotle (via John Locke) was the philosophical father of the Constitution of the United States and thus of capitalism . . . it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s."

    Review of J.H. Randall’s Aristotle,

    The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, 19.

    Everything begins with Plato and Aristotle.

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