
How has "madness" been defined in each period of History?

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That is, how has the concept of psychological disorders changed throughout each epoch?




  1. Madness or mental instability is a disturbance of the mind, irrational and incoherent thought and speech patterns. By this measure there are many mad people as yet clinically undiagnosed. People who vote for Bush or Brown as worthy individual to govern these nations. People who consume MacDonald’s in full knowledge of its high fate and near zero nutritional value. It’s all a varying degree of madness.

    There are actually very few completely sane and rational people.

  2. Madness is described as a breakdown in communication, an inability to communicate, impart coherently and consistently ones point of view to others. Mental illness is irrationality, a clearly visible evidence of lack of peace. Peace of mind is an essential requirement for man to exist and function. A depletion of peace is caused by many factors, an attack on the nervous system, mental trauma or external forces and factors at play.

    Man urgently converses and talks excessively when he has a willful and invasive force within he seeks to eliminate by voicing of the angst it creates. This therapeutic need to talk and opine of inner turmoil whilst guarding ones intellectual credibility is the litmus test of sanity or madness.

    We have a recognized established pattern of noble philosophers and prophets gaining universal insight becoming mentally disorientated. It is alarming and confirms God as wisdom or love being confined and captured by a surrounding evil force that attacks any who near God or truth. Food for thought.

    Insanity is therefore termed as that which in incomprehensible and unintelligible. Severe cases cause outright unsociable malfunction of mind and body. Mental angst, emotional torture.

    > Peace Love Prosperity <

  3. By going against the prevailing mindset of the majority.


    here is a timeline for mental health history. Although  there has never  been universal consensus - not even today.  

  5. a constant state of anger,with no one to blame.

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