
How has the Civil rights movement directlybenefited each one of you?

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  1. I'm mexican! we just kind of hid in the background and worked while the blacks worked for equality and now we have the benefits of the movement to boot! :D

  2. well it has kept me out of civil service jobs that are reserved for minoritys and has limited my options for education because those slots are reserved for minoritys and it forced the landlord down the street to rent his property to a minority who broke into my house and raped and murdered my wife whil I was at work

    all in all I would have to say that civil rights legislation worked out great for me

  3. Civil right movement benefited many people. Women and minority have the right to vote. Schools are open to all.

  4. If not ethically or racially, it effects everyone because I just learned that it includes Sexual Harrassment.

  5. I sold twice as many drinking fountains the first year.

  6. One of the more competent professors I had in school was a black man but I'm guessing that  position was earned because he was the most qualified.

  7. Not at ALL! And as I am a White Male, I can not see any way that it will benefit me in the future either. Just being honest.

  8. It has benefited my entire life because I have been given a lot of opportunity. I am able to have friends of different races and it is not considered deviant. For the person who said it has not benefited everyone I strongly disagree. You are choosing to be closed minded. If education has suffered it's probably because the schools are filled with closed minded ignorant people like yourself. Society has prospered.

  9. IT HASN'T... why do you automatically assume that it HAS helped everyone... because a LOT of people have NOT been helped... like the people that have been going to integrated schools for the past 45 years or so... because it is easily demonstrated how the AmerIan school system has deteriorated since 1963

  10. it was written to benefit black men in the job force, like everything else in big government its now out of control a lawyers dream, it includes everybody except the white male, now they,er adding g**s to it. Guess what lets go back to the Constitution!

  11. I believe that it has benefited me, directly, in that desegregation, for example, has increased the variety of individuals I have had the opportunity to meet , work with, and learn about. Becoming more infomred about the wide diversity of the cultures we have now in the US has been of immeasurable benefit.

    I don't think,however, that enough has been done to improve the lives of the people who are discriminated against, and have often found, quite sadly, that when any one group makes a gain, they are reluctant to pass along that benefit to other groups.

  12. I am the mother of a multiracial child -- we adopted him at birth, and his father and I are Caucasian. I am very grateful that we live in the time that we do and that the community where we live is very accepting and diverse. My son is now 11 years old and just beginning to seriously question his identity. He is very bright and I know in some ways that will amke it more difficult for him. I feel like our whole family has benefited from the civil rights struggle and perhaps we wouldn't even be a family without it. I have trouble (because it is emotionally difficult) explaining to my son all about bigotry and the prejudices he is likely to face but, I also know that we have come at least this far and that things are so much better than they once were even just a generation ago.

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