
How has the economy changed the way you and your family eats?

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Have you stretched things out or cut back? Do you clip coupons or cut portion or is every thing pretty much the same? Has it changed the way you feel about eating?I used to overeat alot so I think this has helped me to cut back and look at food a bit diffrently.




  1. We don't eat out as much to save money. I also really look at food prices now and try to pick the best values.

  2. We don't do coupons or things like here in Aust. The biggest change to us has been cutting down on certain foods like seafood etc, and not getting take away every week, we used to get it once a week but now have to limit it to once a month, it's just all getting too expensive, something has to give somewhere and soon, people are really really struggling these days and it's getting so bad, single pensioners are screwed (not single parent but just plain pensioner) like my mum who is on a blind pension - she's struggling to pay rent and power etc and can't afford alot of food - basic stuff, so I've been buying her things like milk, and vege, fruit etc so she can at least eat right. It's BS. She's lost sooo much weight in the last few months because she wasn't eating properly, as soon as I realised there was a major problem I started helping out (she hid it well).. but now her dignity is hurt cause she can't afford things, but it's not her fault that the ecomony is the way it is. It's really scary how bad some people are doing, very scary.

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